The ADF’s newly-created role of the Chief of Joint Capabilities has been upgraded to a three-star officer position to align it with the chiefs of the ADF’s three services and Joint Operations Command.
The position, held by the newly-promoted AIRMSHL Warren McDonald since it was formed in July 2017, is nominated as the capability manager for the so-called ‘fifth domain’ of war, information warfare, as well as Joint Health, Logistics, Education and Training, and Joint Military Police.
“Established in July 2017, Joint Capabilities Group plays a vital role in managing a number of functions that support the ADF’s joint capability requirements, including education and training, health, logistics and military police,” Defence Minister Christopher Pyne said in a statement.
“JCG works closely with industry and academia to ensure Defence provides the very best support to joint ADF activities,” he added. “AIRMSHL McDonald will continue at the helm of this innovative and rapidly developing Group.”
AIRMSHL McDonald joined the RAAF at the age of 15 as an apprentice motor transport fitter. In 1989 he commissioned and undertook pilot training, and logged 5,000 hours on the P-3 Orion. He has served as Commanding Officer 11SQN, Officer Commanding 92WG, and Commander Air Mobility Group (AMG).