Partnership of the Americas (POA) 2014 Ships


10/28/2014: The Chilean ships Rancagua (LST-92), Almirante Riveros and Sargento Aldea (LSDH-91) sail alongside the Mexican ship ARM Usumacinta during Partnership of the Americas (POA) 2014.

The ships were accompanied by two U.S. Marine CH-46E Sea Knights from HMM-364, a Chilean Navy Super Puma and a Mexican MI-17 Hind.

Representatives from Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Paraguay and the United States participated in POA 2014 from Aug. 11-22, 2014.

The exercise is designed to enhance joint and combined interoperability, increase the combined capability to execute Amphibious Operations, Peace Support Operations and Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief missions and further develop strong and lasting relationships the U.S. Marine Corps has established with Partner Nations naval infantries/marine corps.


Credit: Fleet Combat Camera Pacific:8/17/14