The F-35 and 21st Century Defence


This book was published and 2016 and focused on the arrival of the F-35 and its interactive role with other key innovations, which are reshaping the defence forces of the democracies.

As one analyst, put it: “If you did not have the F-35, you would have to invent to be part of and further the innovations we are pursuing to reshape defence, combat, and homeland security operations.”

This book draws on literally hundreds of visits with pilots, maintainers, testers, industrialists and visits in Asia, Europe and the Middle East discussing the F-35 and how it is viewed by key states as part of their defence transformation.

In short, the F-35 is here now. And key partners are already rethinking how they will use the plane based on direct engagement in the development, production, training, ying or maintaining the aircraft today.