Haiti: Redefining Port Security

In the wake of disaster: How the Haiti earthquake is likely to redefine the notion of port security by Tim Martin, Deaken University This article is posted with the permission of Risk Intelligence, which published it in its latest Issue of Strategic Insights (January 2010). *** [caption id="attachment_4913" align="alignnone" width="280"…

Haiti Relief as a Case Study: Seabasing and JLOTS in Action

The Haiti relief operation featured a number of key US and allied military assets in shaping the overall capability. In this interview, Sldinfo talked with one of the most knowledgeable US analysts of the seabasing concept in the US military. Jim Strock is Director, Seabasing Integration Division of the Capabilities…

General Burke and “Operation Unified Response” in Haiti: Towards a Normalization of Airfield Operations

In an interview on February 15th, 2010 with Sldinfo, Brig. Gen. Darryl Burke, the 12th Air Force (Air Forces) Southern Vice Commander, provided an update on the Air operation in support of Haiti relief. General Burke arrived in late January to lead members of the Air Component Coordination Element supporting…

General Bansard on Logistics and Sustainment in France (Part Three)

Logistics on the Front Line A few months ago, SLD sat down with General Jean-Pierre Bansard, in charge at the time of Logistics Organization within the MoD Chief of Staff, in order to gain a better understanding of the evolution of French support and logistics in light of the many…

Lieutenant-Colonel Bianca: A Situation Report on the Osprey in Afghanistan

On February 9th, 2010, "Second Line of Defense"' followed up its earlier interview with the Osprey squadron just before its deployment to Afghanistan last November with a new one, this time directly from Afghanistan, with Lieutenant-Colonel Bianca, the Osprey Squadron Commander. Accompanying this interview is a slideshow of Osprey operations…

General Bansard on Logistics and Sustainment in France (Part Two)

Logistics on the Front Line A few months ago, SLD sat down with General Jean-Pierre Bansard, in charge at the time of Logistics Organization within the MoD Chief of Staff, in order to gain a better understanding of the evolution of French support and logistics in light of the many…

General Bansard on the Evolution of Logistics and Sustainment in France (Part One)

General Jean-Pierre Bansard LOGISTICS ON THE FRONT LINE (I) A few months ago, SLD sat down with General Jean-Pierre Bansard, in charge at the time of Logistics Organization within the MoD Chief of Staff, in order to gain a better understanding of the evolution of French support and logistics in…

Randy Fowler on DoD’s New Logs and Sustainment Challenges

RESHAPING THE GOVERNMENT-INDUSTRIAL RELATIONSHIP FOR LOGISTICS SUPPORT AND SUSTAINMENT: RANDY FOWLER ON MEETING THE CHALLENGES [caption id="attachment_4186" align="alignleft" width="130" caption="Randy Fowler"][/caption] Sldinfo sat down with Randy Fowler, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Materiel Readiness, and his staff in mid December 2009 to discuss their perspectives on the way ahead…