Crafting Logistics Innovation for the US Navy: SEA 21 Shapes a New Approach to Modernization and Maintenance

[caption id="attachment_408" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="A multi-national naval force, including the San Antonio class-amphibious transport dock ship USS Mesa Verde, USS Doyle, USCGC Mohawk, the Colombian navy frigate ARC Independiente, the Dutch navy auxiliary ship HMNLS Amsterdam, and the Uruguayan navy frigate General Artigas, underway in formation as part of FuerzasAliadas…

The “Other” F22 Debate: How to Sustain the Aircraft

The F-22 debate has been highly charged politically.  It has been used as a symbol for “defense waste” and “high technology irrelevance” by its detractors; and as a symbol of declining commitment by the United States to global power projection and strategic protection to its allies. But missing in this…

Mobile Provider 2008: The USMC Evolves its Approach to Logistics Modernization

[caption id="attachment_487" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Mobile Provider 08"][/caption] The USMC has been wargaming its approach to logistics as it seeks to improve its expeditionary capability. For the USMC, shaping an effective approach to expeditionary logistics is seen as central to core capabilities. During one such exercise, Mobile Provider 08, which was…

LOGMOD 2007 War Game

[caption id="attachment_554" align="alignleft" width="136" caption="Wargaming"][/caption] The USMC’s Log MOD-2007-2 War Game was held in Quantico in September 2007. The game was held over five days. Whereas the first game (October 2006) focused on participating in shaping the reform approach, this war game was dedicated to kicking the tires and test…

The USMC Logistics Modernization Approach: The 2007 Baseline

In an interview with Colonel Turlip of the USMC in mid-2007, the nature and status of the USMC logistics modernization effort was discussed. Colonel Doug Turlip at the time was head of the Logistics Vision and Strategy Center (LPV) within the Logistics and Installations Division of Headquarters USMC. Colonel Turlip's…

Crafting A NATO Helo Logistics Initiative for Afghanistan

By Robbin Laird and Murielle Delaporte 08/12/2009 - NATO is developing a common logistics initiative to support helicopters in operation in Afghanistan. It is clear that more helos are need for Afghan operations; but rather than simply inserting new kit, it is realized by senior NATO officials that shaping a…

Crafting a New IT System for Logistics: The Baseline

The USMC is building a new information technology system as a core part of their new logistics enterprise. In so doing, the USMC has followed a deliberate business approach in order NOT to hand over the task to a systems integrator. The USMC initially worked through their judgment on what…