USS America in Chile

09/01/2014: In the first 5 photos, the future amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA 6) sits pierside in Valparaiso, Chile, during a scheduled port visit.  In the remaining photos, Sailors and Marines man the rails as the future amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA 6) departs Valparaiso, Chile after a…

Blue Marlin Transits Columbia River

08/26/2014: The Blue Marlin is a semi-submersible heavy lift ship designed to transport very large semi-submersible drilling rigs above the transport ship's deck. This ship can carry a staggering 75,000 tons. [maxgallery id="68912"]  Credit: USCG District 13:8/24/14 According to the Wikipedia entry: Blue Marlin is a semi-submersible heavy lift ship…

The Many Faces of the USS America: Shaping a Crew at Sea

08/17/2014: The USS America is in transit to San Diego and then on to San Francisco for its official commissioning in October.  In transit, the crew is training and fitting out the ship.  In this slideshow, some of the many skills being learned and applied at sea are highlighted, and…

The USS America visits the Americas: Stopping by Uruguay

08/15/2014: A tiltrotor MV-22 Osprey, assigned to the Argonauts of Marine Operational Test and Evaluation Squadron (VMX) 22, transporting distinguished visitors and guests from Uruguay prepares to land aboard future amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA 6). America is currently traveling through the U.S. Southern Command and U.S. 4th Fleet…

Viewing the USS America From the Bridge

07/16/2014:In these photos shot by Major “Fez” Schreiner, various views of the USS America shortly before its departure before its trip around South America to the West Coast of the United States can be seen. Major David “Fez” Schreiner, the ship integration officer within Headquarters USMC Aviation, whose task it…

RQ-2A UAV for the USN-USMC Team

07/16/2014: RQ-21 RPA for the USN-USMC Team [maxgallery id="67616"] The first two photos are credited to Navy Media Content Services and the next three to 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing & Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point. In the first photo, the RQ-21A Small Tactical Unmanned Air System (STUAS) is recovered…

SP-MAGTF Crisis Response Refuels 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit’s CH-53Es over the Mediterranean Sea

07/08/2014: In the first three photos, first a CH-53E and then two are viewed, from the 22nd Expeditionary Unit conducts an aerial refuel with a KC-130 assigned to Special-Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force Crisis Response from Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron- 252, over the Mediterranean Sea, June 15, 2014. KC-130Js…

SP-MAGTF Crisis Response Aircraft Conduct Nighttime Air-to-Air Refueling over Spain

07/08/2014: In the first two photos, an MV-22B Osprey with Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force Crisis Response, prepares to conduct nighttime tiltrotor air-to-air refueling with a KC-130J Hercules over the southern coast of Spain, Aug. 22, 2013. The Marines and sailors of SP-MAGTF Crisis Response provide a limited-defense crisis…