The THAAD System to Guam

12/23/2013: The THAAD system has been deployed to Guam from Fort Bliss to deal with the evolving missile threat from North Korea, against US facilities in the region and beyond.  In his presentation to the Air Force Association Pacific Forum, the PACAF Commander, General Hawk Carlisle, highlighted the contribution made…

The Max Thunder US and South Korean Airpower Exercise

12/21/2013: This year is the 11th Max Thunder exercise, which fosters bilateral aerial training between the Korea Air Power Team to include the U.S. Air Force, Marine Corps and the Republic of Korea Air Force. [slidepress gallery='the-max-thunder-us-and-south-korean-airpower-exercise']  Credit:8th Fighter Wing Public Affairs:10/28/13  In the first photo, an 80th Fighter Squadron…

Coast Guard at-Sea Drug Transfer

12/20/2013: A Coast Guard Station Miami small boat crew makes their way to the Coast Guard Cutter Vigilant prior to a drug transfer in Miami, Oct. 11, 2013. The Vigilant transferred approximately 2,155 pounds of marijuana and 420 kilograms of cocaine stemming from two different interdictions near San Andres, Colombia.…

The 36th Contingency Response Group in the Philippine Relief Effort

12/12/2013:The Marines and the USAF worked together with support from the USN to establish an infrastructure to enable relief operations. It was an insert, support and withdraw effort in which the 36th Contingency Response Group (CRG) and the USMC played a key role in rapid insertion, and responsible withdrawal. As…

Brunei Air Show Highlights of Air Systems Demos

12/06/2013: BRIDEX 2013 is a five-day event and provides displays and demonstrations of military equipment in Brunei. [slidepress gallery='brunei-air-show-highlights-of-air-systems-demos'] Credit:15th Wing Public Affairs:12/5/13 In the first photo, an MV-22B Osprey hovers in front of flags from participating nations during an aerial demonstration at the fourth biennial Brunei Darussalam International Defense…

SP-MAGTF Trains with Senegal’s Companie de Fusilier Marine Commandos

12/06/2013: Marines with Special-Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force Africa 13 watch as Senegalese Companie de Fusilier Marine Commandos fire their weapons during a maritime assistance force engagement in Thiès, Senegal, Nov. 26, 2013. During the first week of the task force’s fourth month-long engagement in Senegal this year, the Marines…

Exercise Forager Fury II

12/01/2013: The Forager Fury exercises in the era of the Opsrey and KC130J have migrated from operating forward to reshaping USMC strategy with regard to leveraging sea and land bases. As then Commanding General First Marine Air Wing put in the interview he did with us last year: SLD: There…

CNO Visits Israel

11/29/2013: Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert talks with Israel navy special forces after they performed a capabilities demonstration at Atlit Naval Base. Greenert was escorted by Commander in Chief of the Israel Navy Vice Adm. Ram Rutberg during the visit with whom he also boarded INS Hanit for…