8 JAN 2015
The four Typhoons and Voyager aircraft that make up the second wave of the Exercise Red Flag Trail set off for Eglin Air Force Base on January 8th in the third leg of their journey.
Whilst the previous leg from the Azores to Bermuda took over 6 hours, this smaller leg will see the pilots out of their aircraft in only 3 and a half hours.
The four Typhoons and Voyager were split up as they arrived in Bermuda with the Airtanker parking up alongside long haul jets from American Airlines and Delta. The four Typhoons on the other hand had to taxi to the opposite side of the airfield, parking up alongside Hawker 800’s and Citation 560’s, civilian executive jets.
Pictured is the Typhoon being flown by 1 Squadron with the Voyager aircraft visible in the background at Bermuda International Airport. The Voyager will fly with two Typhoons either side of it for the duration of the trip. The four Typhoons will be re-fuelling multiple times during the trip aiding them on making it to their eventual destination, Eglin AFB today with Nevada being the next stop off tomorrow.
Images by SAC Lee Matthews