Marines give JGSDF a lesson in Helo Casting

04/21/2014: Iron Fist is an amphibious exercise that brings together Marines and sailors from the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit, other I Marine Expeditionary Force units, and soldiers from the JGSDF, to promote military interoperability and hone individual and small-unit skills through challenging, complex and realistic training. [slidepress gallery='marines-give-jgsdf-a-lesson-in-helo-casting'] Credit:15th Marine…

Marines Train JGSDF in Amphibious Operations

04/18/2014:Iron Fist is an amphibious exercise that brings together Marines and sailors from the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit, other I Marine Expeditionary Force units, and soldiers from the JGSDF, to promote military interoperability and hone individual and small-unit skills through challenging, complex and realistic training.  [slidepress gallery='marines-train-jgsdf-in-amphibious-operations']  Credit:15th Marine Expeditionary…

Marines Train with JGSDF

04/12/2014: Iron Fist 2014 is an amphibious exercise that brings together Marines and sailors from the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit, other I Marine Expeditionary Force units, and soldiers from the JGSDF, to promote military interoperability and hone individual and small-unit skills through challenging, complex and realistic training.  [slidepress gallery='marines-train-with-jgsdf'] Credit:15th…

Exercising an Airfield Seizure Operation (2)

02/22/2014: U.S. Marines from Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment (1/5), 1st Marine Division (MARDIV) from Camp Pendleton, Calif. conduct an air field seizure aboard seven CH-46 Sea Knight transport helicopters. They do this with Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron (HMM) 364 and Marine Medium Helicopter Training Squadron (HMMT) 164,…

Exercising an Airfield Seizure Operation (1)

02/20/2014: U.S. Marines from Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment (1/5), 1st Marine Division (MARDIV) from Camp Pendleton, Calif. conduct an air field seizure aboard seven CH-46 Sea Knight transport helicopters. They do this with Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron (HMM) 364 and Marine Medium Helicopter Training Squadron (HMMT) 164,…

Steel Knight 2014

02/17/2014: SK-14 is a large scale combined arms, live-fire exercise integrating ground troops from 1st MARDIV, aviation and logistical support from 3rd MAW and 1st Marine Logistics Group.  [slidepress gallery='steel-knight-2014'] Credit:3D Marine Aircraft Wing Combat Camera:12/13/13 In the first 2 photos, a U.S. Marine Corps CH-53E Super Stallion helicopter with…

A Cliff Rescue by the USCG

01/29/2014:A Coast Guard helicopter rescue crew from Air Station San Francisco rescued three injured persons from a car that traveled off the side of a cliff near San Mateo, California on Thanksgiving November 28, 2013.  Credit: USCG District 11:11/29/13  See our interview with the then District 11 Commander, Rear Admiral…