The Need for a Reinvigorated “Revolt of the Admirals”

The Future Naval Service Posture and the Need for a Reinvigorated Revolt of the Admirals By Vince Martinez Here we go again… 07/25/2011 - It seems we are in familiar territory again—collectively diving head first into a looming post-war era of demobilization, retrofit and reset.  Coupled with a decreasing defense…

Sustainability: The Missing Factor in the U.S. Defense Debate

By Dr. Robbin Laird 06/20/2011 - The U.S. defense debate is being framed as defined by constrained fiscal choices and program cuts.  Also, the real need for a strategic review for the post-Afghan military is pressing. But rampant so-called “contingency” operations are sucking up operational money and draining procurement capabilities…

General Bansard on Logistics and Sustainment in France (Part Two)

Logistics on the Front Line A few months ago, SLD sat down with General Jean-Pierre Bansard, in charge at the time of Logistics Organization within the MoD Chief of Staff, in order to gain a better understanding of the evolution of French support and logistics in light of the many…