Directory M: MEDCO By Stratadviser


MEDCO by StratAdviser


Contact: Dr Jan-Cedric Hansen (Medico-Marketing European Strategist ; UK Administrator)

Address: StratAdviser Ltd, 2nd Floor, Berkeley Square House, London, W1J 6BD UK

Phone:  +44 (0) 207 8874510 / Fax: +44 (0) 207 8876001 / Mobile: +44 (0) 796 4330504


Email: jc*******@st**********.com


Main activities

StratAdviserLtd is a British Consultant Firm with European reach, including one affiliate in France, in the heart of Paris. StratAdviserLtd is a reference in the market for strategic advice to Healthcare related companies wishing to develop or strengthen their European presence. The expertise of StratAdviserLtd comes through 4 main areas of skills, structural development (corporate strategy, international development…), profit development (brand strategy, marketing & sales strategy…), resilience development (strategic policy, crisis communication and management…) and personal development (management strategy).

StratadviserLtd is registered at the House of Companies under the number 06322224. StratAdviserLtd is registered as Lobbyist under the number 94091163287-07 with the European Commission.


Products / Brands

  • MEDCO a Direction of DI2M helps Military Medicine Contractors increase their visibility and build their network within Defence Medical Services and assists them in understanding local market cultural & regulatory specificities. In addition Medco assists you in becoming competitive and persuasive while submitting tenders and bids to Defence Medical Services and other Healthcare partners.
  • MEDCO a Direction of DI2M helps Defence Medical Services audit their expertises, in order to add value to these and to increase government & general public awareness of these. MEDCO also assists you while elaborating adequate calls for tender and identifying proper candidates when looking for contractors.


What makes us different?

MEDCO provides You, our Client, with a unique combination of a clear vision of both continental & Anglo-Saxon logics, deeply impregnated by medical industry & military culture, as well as an inside understanding of Medico-Marketing & Legal sciences embedded in a coherent team led by outstanding individuals with long track of successful advices.

We developed and have the ability to target key issues, prioritise actions and support your implementation. This means that our advice is always tailored to your specific needs.



Keywords: "structural development"; "personal development"; resilience; crisis; health; DMS; medical;
          medico-legal; defence; military; contractor; Anglo-Saxon; development; strategy; brand;
          marketing; margin; profit; salles; communication; politic; management; strategic; lobby;
         "Defence Medical Services"; international; Europe; Great-Britain; danger; risk; surgery; 
          physician; MD; chemist; drug; methodology; prospection; communication; TV; Broadcast