2012-12-15 The Marines having working on shaping ways to provide energy at the “tip of the spear” which can tap new and innovative methods.
Recently, Marines from Combat Logistics Regiment-15 installed several Ground Renewable Expeditionary Energy Network Systems [GREENS] at several locations throughout Regional Command (Southwest) to improve the communications reliability of critical assets and to develop new ways to employ expeditionary energy solutions.

According to Lt. Tyler Morrison:
The GREENS is an array of solar panels and rechargeable batteries that provide a continuous output of 300 watts of electricity which is used to power electrical equipment and radios.
This installation is in step with the Marine Corps Expeditionary Energy Strategy and Implementation Plan that recognizes the direct link between energy efficiency and combat effectiveness. The plan calls for Marines to adopt new technologies and procedures to become less dependent on traditional energy sources. The more energy efficient the Marine Corps becomes, the more capable they are of operating in expeditionary environments.
Marines from the S-6 communications section, CLR-15 installed GREENS at three different locations throughout RC(SW) including the Munitions Storage Area on Camp Leatherneck and two separate Role II medical facilities.
For the full article see the following:
For a briefing from the USMC office tasked with this mision which explains the approach see the following:
For an overview on the office see the following: