Australian Cadets Visits Amiens


16 cadets from Australian Navy Cadets, Australian Army Cadets and Australian Air Force Cadets represented Australia at the commemorations, joining other young people from Canada, France, UK and USA from 6–9 August 2018.

The commemorative service gave cadets an opportunity to remember Australians commanded by General Sir John Monash, who battled with other allies on the Western Front in France 100 years ago.

The cadets participating in the international commemoration attended a service at Amiens Cathedral on 8 August 2018 and visited the Somme 1916 battlefields.

The cadets heard from experienced tour guides on the Western Front, as well as Professor Sir Hew Strachan, a highly respected World War I historian who travelled with them throughout the tour.

The Australian Defence Force Cadets is a community-based youth development program focused on leadership, team building and other skills in a military-like environment.

August 8, 2018

Australian Department of Defence