“European Defence Initiatives: An Opportunity for the Italian Economy.”


Undersecretary of State for Defence Angelo Tofalo recently participated in a workshop focused on “European Defence Initiatives: An Opportunity for the Italian Economy.”

According to a story published by the Italian Ministry of Defence on Jun e 26, 2018:

The location of the event -organized by Assemblea Generale della Federazione aziende italiane per l’aerospazio, la Difesa e la sicurezza (Aiad) (General Assembly of the Italian Aerospace, Defence and Security Industry Federation)- was the Auditorium of Palazzo Guidoni in Rome, headquarters to Direzione nazionale degli armamenti (Dna) (Defence National Directorate of Armaments).

 The workshop focused on various themes: investment opportunities made possible by a market based on high-quality products, increased cooperation in the Defence industry sector thanks to the presence of market operators in Brussels, influence of the geopolitical scenario on the development of the European defence system as well as possible better synergies between EU Member States. 

 The workshop was attended by AIAD President Guido Crosetto, Defence Secretary General and National Director of Armaments (Dna), General Carlo Magrassi, who underscored the importance of the European Defence Action Plan (EDAP) and Permanent Structured Cooperation (Pesco): “Two fundamental initiatives – requiring the highest level of synergy among all relevant bodies and a country that functions as an integrated system- for the development of the European Defence sector”. 

In his speech Undersecretary Tofalo, having greeted all participants on behalf of Defence Minister Elisabetta Trenta, has highlighted the closeness of the Government – in particular the Defence Ministry- to the military industry sector:

“There are some totally new realities, jewels in the crown of our technological production: if we succeed in enhancing them by exporting their output, this will benefit our national economy as a whole”, the Undersecretary said.

“Italy’s aim for its defence industry is to be one of the top players at the world level. We have all we need to achieve this goal. If our military and civilian components will succeed in harmonizing their actions, we will be able to speak with one strong voice. We have all the potential to go even beyond our present goals, and compete at the same level with our main competitors such as France and Germany”.