Trident Juncture Kicks Off LIVEX


10/23/2015: The live portion of Trident Juncture – NATO’s biggest exercise in over a decade, kicks off today.

Portuguese “Fuzileiros” Marines and U.S. Marines put forces ashore in a beach in Pinheiro da Cruz from the USS Arlington in an amphibious assault training exercise.

Meanwhile in San Gregorio, Spain, the Baltic Battalion, made up of up to a thousand soldiers from Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, moved into place.

They will be training together as they prepare to join the 2016 rotation of the NATO Response Force (NRF).

The logistics of getting over 36,000 troops into place is no easy task and is still ongoing.

At the harbor of Sagunto in Spain, the ship AEGEAN BREEZE unloaded more than 150 UK vehicles this week, while at Zaragoza Air Base in Spain, the kitchens and laundry are in full swing to make sure all troops have what they need to complete their mission.




Coalition Missile Defense Test: USS Ross Intercepts Ballistic Missile Target

10/23/2015: US Navy’s Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Ross (DDG 71) successfully intercepted a ballistic missile in the North Atlantic Ocean during the Maritime Theater Missile Defense (MTMD) Forum’s At Sea Demonstration (ASD) Oct. 20, 2015.

This is first time a Standard Missile-3 (SM-3) Block IA guided interceptor was fired on a non-U.S. range and the first intercept of a ballistic missile threat in the European theater.

For the scenario, a short-range Terrier Orion ballistic missile target was launched from Hebrides Range and was inflight simultaneously with two anti-ship cruise missiles fired at the coalition task group. Ross fired a SM-3 and successfully engaged the ballistic missile target in space.

In its air defense role, USS The Sullivans (DDG 68) fired a SM-2, which is the first time a SM-2 was fired on the Hebrides Range.

Vice Adm. James Foggo, Commander, U.S. 6th Fleet, said:

“ASD-15 shows that with communication, collaboration and commitment nations can come together and flawlessly defend against a complex threat scenario.”

 ASD-15 is a U.K.-hosted, U.S.-facilitated, multi-national demonstration of coalition Integrated Air and Missile Defense capability.

Credit:Navy Media Content Services:10/20/15



Trident Juncture Exercise Begins


10/20/2015: The opening ceremony of NATO exercise Trident Juncture 2015 took place at an Italian military base in Trapani, Sicily, 10/19/15.

It was followed by a large aerial display with fighter jets, transport planes and helicopters from various NATO member countries.

NATO Allies and partner nations kicked off the Alliance’s Trident Juncture live military exercise on Monday (19 October 2015) during an opening ceremony at the Trapani air force base in Italy, launching three weeks of intensive training involving 36,000 troops from more than 30 nations across Italy, Spain and Portugal.





Trident Juncture Begins in Italy

10/20/2015: The opening ceremony of NATO exercise Trident Juncture 2015 took place at an Italian military base in Trapani, Sicily on 10/19/15.

It was followed by a large aerial display with fighter jets, transport planes and helicopters from various NATO member countries.

The base in Trapani is one of the 16 locations from which the exercise will run in Italy, Spain and Portugal.

The exercise will simulate an invasion by a fictitious enemy in East Africa to a smaller neighbor and involve elements from NATO’s land, sea and air forces.

 Credit: Natochannel:10/19/15



Preparing UMSC Aircraft for Ops at Iwakuni


10/17/2015: Marine All Weather Fighter Attack Squadron 242, the “Bats,” have Marines working day and night to keep aircraft ready to go at a moments notice.

Some Marines contribute to this mission by strapping bombs to aircraft.

Credit: American Forces Network Iwakuni, Japan:8/19/15


Australian Mine Warfare Exercise Concludes

10/17/2015: Exercise DUGONG 15, the Royal Australia Navy’s primary Mine Warfare and Clearance training activity, was held in waters around Hobart 5-160CT15.

The mine countermeasures tactical training exercise brings key coalition forces together in a combined environment to prepare them for mine countermeasures and diving operations.

Personnel from the Navies of Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and New Zealand took part with observers from the Swedish and Indian Navies. 

Credit: Australian Ministry of Defence:10/15/15


NATO Sec Gen Visits Joint Warfare Center in Norway


10/15/2015: The Norwegians are serious about defense. And they are investing in capabilities to provide deterrence against their aggressive neighbor, the Russian bear.

In the rollout of the first Norwegian F-35, Norwegian defense officials made it clear that there were focused on transforming their forces, with the F-35 as a key element.

Credit Video: Natochannel :10/12/15

Recently, the Sec Gen of NAVTO, Jens Stotenberg visited the Joint Warfare Center in Norway which is a key element of the re-working of NATO. The Center is directly linked to the Allied Transformation Command, located in Norfolk, VA.

According to a NATO information piece about JWC:

The Joint Warfare Centre (JWC) was established on 23 October 2003 at Jatta, Stavanger, Norway, as an integral part of the new NATO Military Command Structure, which was launched at the 2002 Prague Summit, and subordinate to Headquarters Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (HQ SACT.)

Norway has a proud NATO heritage, which dates back to 1951. The City of Stavanger has been hosting NATO since 1994.

The JWC is the third headquarters to inhabit the site at Jatta, inheriting it from Joint Headquarters North (2000-2003), which replaced Headquarters North (1994-2000), both of which were officially inaugurated and deactivated as a result of NATO’s military command restructuring.

Upon its establishment, the JWC was directly associated with two of the five NATO transformational processes described in NATO Military Committee document, MC 324/1, dated 16 May 2003, which were:

 – Training and Education;

– Joint and Combined Concept Development, Experimentation, Assessment and Doctrine.

At the core of NATO’s operational level training stands the JWC. The motto of the JWC is “Transformation in Action” or more recently, “One Team. Training NATO. Transforming Warfare. Securing the Alliance”, both of which mean that the Centre constantly changes the military mindset by introducing robust, highly realistic and demanding joint and combined training, innovative concepts, capabilities and curricula into the NATO Alliance to enable its overall military transformation.

The JWC’s first exercise took place just three months after the Centre’s activation, from 1 to 6 February 2004 for 130 staff of 11 Nations assigned to AFSOUTH, which was designated as NATO’s first Deployable Joint Task Force (DJTF) headquarters.

The first ISAF Mission Rehearsal Training at Ulsnes Interim Training Facility was conducted for the sixth rotation of ISAF, led by Headquarters EUROCORPS, on their way to deployment to Kabul, Afghanistan. It took place from 18 to 22 June 2004 and consisted of a Training Audience of 400 participants coming from 14 NATO and Partner Nations.

The JWC achieved its Full Operational Capability in June 2006.

As an important milestone, the JWC and Kingdom of Norway held a signing ceremony for the new Memorandum of Agreement on 21 June 2006, a document which is the basis for Host Nation Support and implementing arrangements crucial to the sustainability of the JWC and an excellent example that demonstrates the commitment of Norway to the Joint Warfare Centre.

The funds for JWC’s new training facility in Jatta were authorized by NATO on 25 April 2006. Just like the JWC itself, the new training facility is a ground-breaking transformational concept for NATO, making the JWC stand out as one of the world’s most state-of-the-art training centres with a capacity to train up to 600 personnel at once. Built on an area of 13,390 square metres, the five-storey building gives the Centre a state-of-the-art training, experimentation and conference facility.

In November 2009, the Norwegian Defence Logistics Organization, on behalf of NATO, signed a major acquisition contract valued at more than 100 million NOK with a local company to provide Information Technology (IT) infrastructure and support to the new facility.

The Foundation Stone for the new training facility was laid during a ceremony on 23 October 2008, exactly five years to the day the Centre was officially inaugurated in 2003.

Exercise STEADFAST JOIST 12 (SFJT 12), which took place from 02 to 16 May 2012 and tested NATO’s new Deployable Joint Headquarters (DJHQ) concept, was the first training event ever to be conducted in the new JWC training facility. 

The Centre’s long term objective is “a powerful joint warfare centre efficiently delivering a training and transformation capability, meeting the NATO Level of Ambition and integrating emerging concepts.”

And located near the Arctic, and the Baltic defense areas, the JWC will have a chance to work a large number of innovations in the defense of NATO.