09/02/2014: Deployed Airmen from the 968th Expeditionary Airborne Air Control Squadron, 380th Air Expeditionary Wing use the E-3 AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System) to provide airborne surveillance, command, control and communication functions for aerial forces. Credit:380th Air Expeditionary Wing:7/7/14
09/01/2014: In the first 5 photos, the future amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA 6) sits pierside in Valparaiso, Chile, during a scheduled port visit. In the remaining photos, Sailors and Marines man the rails as the future amphibious assault ship USS America (LHA 6) departs Valparaiso, Chile after a…
08/31/2014: Deployed Airmen from the 968th Expeditionary Airborne Air Control Squadron, 380th Air Expeditionary Wing, use the E-3 AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System) to provide airborne surveillance, command, control and communication functions for aerial forces. Credit:380th Air Expeditionary Wing:7/7/14 From a USAF story which highlighted the 4000 combat sortie…
08/28/2014: The Harrier is one of the most unique aircraft in the Marine Corps' aerial arsenal, and it takes a dedicated crew to keep it in top flight shape. Corporal Joshua DeFour went to the flight line hangars to bring you the story. Credit: American Forces Network, Iwakuni JAPAN:6/26/14
08/26/2014: The Blue Marlin is a semi-submersible heavy lift ship designed to transport very large semi-submersible drilling rigs above the transport ship's deck. This ship can carry a staggering 75,000 tons. [maxgallery id="68912"] Credit: USCG District 13:8/24/14 According to the Wikipedia entry: Blue Marlin is a semi-submersible heavy lift ship…
08/26/2014:A time-lapse video of the heavy lift vessel Blue Marlin as it transits the Columbia River past Astoria, Ore., Aug. 24, 2014. The Blue Marlin is being escorted by Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary personnel, working with local law enforcement, to help ensure the safety of boaters as it…
08/24/2014: On 19 June, 2014 the Air Combat Elements attached to Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force (SP-MAGTF) Crisis Response and conducts as fly-by over the USS Bataan (LHD-5). The KC-130Js conduct fixed-wing and rotar-wing aerial refueling with the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit's Air Combat Element and rendezvous with one…
2014-08-23 “Workhorse” Becomes First F-35 to Achieve 1,000 Flight Hours by Kenji Thuloweit 412th Test Wing Public Affairs 6/18/14 Edwards Air Force Base AF-2, the second production F-35 Lightning II for the U.S. Air Force, became the first F-35 to reach 1,000 flight hours. Paul Hattendorf, Lockheed Martin test pilot,…