10/11/2011 - The approach we are building is from the ground up – quite literally. The US to protect its economic interests and sovereignty needs to deploy forward throughout the Pacific. We started with the USCG and its everyday forward deployments in the North and South Pacific. And our interview…
10/4/2011 by Carlo Munoz A number of sophisticated shoulder-fired missiles looted from Libyan armories have already been smuggled out of the North African country and we don't know where they've gone, a top U.S. general said today. Africa Command chief Gen. Carter Ham said his organization picked up…
Re-Thinking Capability to Protect US Interests 10/10/2011 - By shifting from the China focused Pacific globe to the Hawaii centered globe, the nature of the US defense and security approach to Pacific strategy similarly becomes re-focused. For the PRC truly to shift the situation, they must reach the US, its…
Taking Another Look 10/09/2011 – The Pacific is a big place. As the Father of the American Navy John Paul Jones said about the quality of a Naval Officer ---“It is by no means enough that an officer of the Navy should be a capable mariner. He must be that,…
By Dr. Richard Weitz 10/09/2011 - Using public data, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a Washington DC think tank, analyzed Department of Homeland Security (DHS) federal prime contracts from 2004 to 2010. The analysts note that the quality of this data has improved consistently over time, especially…
The Conventional Wisdom 10/05/2011 - Clearly China is a central aspect of any US Pacific strategy. China is building up its forces, studies the US and its ups and downs very carefully, and are funding innovative technologies and shaping asymmetrical strategies to deal with US legacy forces and strategies. For…
10/04/2011 - During an interview at Cherry Point Air Station, the Commanding General of the 2nd MAW continued an earlier conversation on the evolution of the Amphibious Ready Group. We had discussed earlier the emergence of the “newly enabled ARG” and its impact on the nation. Here the CG discussed…
10/04/2011 - by Robbin Laird In the rush towards an election, a withdrawal from Afghanistan and budget cuts, which would undercut the ability of the US to replace its “geriatric forces, ” a key consideration is to ensure that the US can defend its economic interest in the period ahead. …