Lieutenant General Dubik on the Iraq Challenge: “From a Population Protection Mode To a Self Defense Mode”(III)

In this final part of the interview, we discussed with General Dubik the way forward in Iraq.  We discussed first the continuing process of transition 2009-2010 and then the question post-2010 of building a longer-term relationship with Iraq as well as the challenges of working with the Iraqis to provide…

General Nicholson on Using the Ospreys in Afghanistan: “We have done tactical inserts”

Abstract from an interview conducted with Brigadier General Lawrence D. Nicholson, Commanding General, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade, Afghanistan, on Thursday March 4th, 2010 (Source: DOD News Briefing with Brig. Gen. Nicholson from Afghanistan Thu, 04 Mar 2010 18:50:00 -0600)   Question: General, operational question.  It's Otto Kreisher, working  for Semper…

The War in Afghanistan: A View from Berlin

[caption id="attachment_5378" align="aligncenter" width="250" caption="The Reichtag"][/caption] In the often-parochial policy debates inside the Beltway, it is often forgotten that US actions more than words have significance for its allies.  Decisions by the Administration and Congress about key weapons programs –F-35, tanker, C-17 PBLs, etc – have decisive significance for allies…

Lieutenant-Colonel Bianca: A Situation Report on the Osprey in Afghanistan

On February 9th, 2010, "Second Line of Defense"' followed up its earlier interview with the Osprey squadron just before its deployment to Afghanistan last November with a new one, this time directly from Afghanistan, with Lieutenant-Colonel Bianca, the Osprey Squadron Commander. Accompanying this interview is a slideshow of Osprey operations…