RAAF in Exercise Mobility Guardian 2019

By Flying Officer Clarice Hurren 20 September 2019 In the valley between the mammoth volcano Mount Rainier and snow-capped Mount Adams, personnel from 383 Contingency Response Squadron (383CRS) were flown into Selah Airstrip at Yakima Training Center as part of Exercise Mobility Guardian. The team, made up of airfield engineers,…

The Potential Impact of 3D Printing on the Military Supply Chain

3 D Printing is in its infancy in terms of providing parts for the military. A challenge for the military is of course the need for parts reliability and ruggedness at very high standards. This is why the term "military grade" was invented. But as 3D printing becomes part of…

Supporting Expeditionary Force Logistics with USV Technology

By George Galorisi While logistics isn’t a topic that typically evokes deep passion, it should be. Almost four decades ago, General Robert Barrow, USMC, Commandant of the United States Marine Corps, coined a phrase that is still a staple of U.S. War College curricula, "Amateurs talk about tactics, but professionals…

Thinking Post-Brexit: Serco Looks to Expand Footprint in the French Market

By Pierre Tran Paris - Serco is seeking to break into the French defense market with offers of support services to military commanders, part of the British company’s bid to triple sales in Continental Europe in the next four years, two directors said. That drive to win French outsourcing deals…

Global Operational Sustainment: The Aussies and the US Continue the C-17 Cross- Servicing Agreement

The RAAF recently announced their continuation of the cross-servicing agreement between USAF C-17s and Aussies C-17s. According to a recent article published by the RAAF: The United States and Australia have agreed to a cross-servicing arrangement for the repair and maintenance of C-17A Globemasters. The establishment of an Aircraft Repair and…

The Ch-53K at the Paris Air Show: Preparing for Its Global Role

By Robbin Laird On June 18, 2019, the President of Sikorsky, Dan Schultz, himself a former CH-53-E pilot, provided an overview brief on the CH-53K and their offering for both Germany and Israel. He was joined by John Rucci, Senior Experimental Test Pilot, who was in the Lockheed chalet, working…

The US Logistics Systems: Are We Ready for Full-Spectrum Crisis Operations?

By Robbin Laird Recently, the Williams Foundation held a seminar, which addressed the core question: how sustainable was the Australian Defence Force if it faced a major regional crisis? The challenge is rooted in part that the forces of the liberal democracies, which have participated in the Middle Eastern land…

Global Supply Chain Support: The Osprey Case Study

Although the Osprey has become a globally deployed aircraft, the supply chain has not. This is crucial as we move forward into an era of regionally specific crises involving peer competitors. It will not just a race to get that Fed Ex delivery from the US through foreign customs, it…