The CH-53K Preparing to Enter the Force: The Perspective the Chief Government Test Pilot

2018-01-31 By Robbin Laird The CH-53K is in the final phase of getting ready to enter into service. The final phase of preparation includes the wrap up of testing at West Palm Beach, the conclusion of testing at Pax River, and the validation of maintenance procedures at the base, which…

A Photo Update on the KC-30A: Preparing for Tanker 2.0

2018-01-20 by Robbin Laird In March, I will be back in Australia and will be writing the latest report for The Williams Foundation, with this year's seminar year starting with a look at the key challenge of shifting from the land wars to higher tempo and higher intensity operations. I…

An Update on C-130J

2017-12-04 The C-130J is clearly a very flexible combat asset. The Marines have expanded the envelope of their KC-130J as they have added Harvest Hawk several years ago and are adding communication and ISR integration capabilities which allow the aircraft to be a key element in the evolving digital interoperability…

RAF Valley Air Station, Wales, Receives Upgrades: Supporting the F-35s and Typhoons

2017-10-14 According to a UK MoD article published on September 26, 2017, the Welsh based RAF Valley Air Station has been modernized to play its role in the introduction of the F-35 and the evolution of the Typhoon-F-35 core to the RAF strike force. The station is primarily used for…