The RAAF Adds New Tanking Capability: A Key Step in Building Out Its Reach, Range and Sustainability

2014-03-14 By Robbin Laird During my visit to Australia, I have had a chance to visit No. 33 Squadron, at Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Base Amberley in the state of Queensland. The Squadron operates the KC-30A Multi-Role Tanker Transport (MRTT). My mentor and guide for my day at the…

The F-35 Global Enterprise: Viewed from Down Under

2014-03-09 By Robbin Laird It is clear that the F-35 global enterprise is a unique enabler of the entire re-set of US and allied airpower. Yet this crucial and even central reality is hardly recognized in the mounds or should one say piles of commentary on the F-35 program. And indeed,…

Opening a New US Transit Point in Romania to Support Afghan Ops

03/05/2014: According to a Stars and Stripes piece written by John Vandiver published 2/5/14: Afghanistan-bound U.S. troops departed from the military’s new transit hub in Romania this week, marking a first for the new facility, which will play a key role as the United States draws down in Afghanistan in…

Re-Shaping PACAF Logistics Support

02/25/2014: In an interview conducted at Hickam AFB in Hawaii with Col. Mickey Addison, Director of Installations and Mission Support or the PACAF command engineer (A7), the Colonel discusses the places versus places approach to logistics for PACAF.  He emphasized the important role of exercises in shaping ways to support…