Replacing Canada’s Air Tanking Fleet

The defence and space divisions of Airbus and Boeing are expected to go head-to-head as the Royal Canadian Air Force moves ahead with plans to replace its ageing fleet of CC-150 Polaris aircraft which have been fulfilling multiple roles, including executive transport as well as air-to-air refuelling platforms. They’ll be responding to an Invitation to Qualify…

BABELFISH 7: The RAF Rapid Capabilities Office in Action

In a Royal Air Force article focused on the RAF Rapid Capabilities office, the way ahead for the office and the RAF was highlighted. Under the banner of BABELFISH 7, the RAF’s Rapid Capabilities Office has demonstrated new technologies which offer a step-change in near real time, secure, information distribution.…

A Hybrid Diesel-Electric Engine for the New Franco-German Tank?

By Pierre Tran Paris - Arquus, a French builder of light and medium armored vehicles, has pitched the concept of a hybrid diesel-electric as an alternative to a conventional diesel engine for a planned tank for the French and German armies, executive chairman Emmanuel Levacher said March 10. “We have proposed a large hybrid engine,”…

Dassault and the Future Combat Air System: March 2021 Update

By Pierre Tran Paris - Dassault Aviation has agreed to accepting a third of work share on the planned future combat system and its next-generation fighter jet, but there is dissent on working without a prime contractor on key systems such as flight control, executive chairman Eric Trappier said March…

An Update on the Future Combat Air System: March 2021

By Pierre Tran Paris - Thales will have a major role in the upcoming phase 1B in development of a technology demonstrator for the European future combat air system, including work on sensors and the combat cloud network, executive chairman Patrice Caine said March 4. “We are one of the…

Indian Air Force to Add 83 New Light Attack Aircraft

By India Strategic New Delhi. The Government has cleared production and acquisition of 83 indigenous HAL-made Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas for Indian Air Force (IAF). The cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) headed by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the apex authority on Defence, approved the deal January 13 for…

Mirage F-1s Arrive at Tyndall Air Force Base

By defenceWeb The Airborne Tactical Advantage Company (ATAC) has started flying its fleet of Mirage F1 fighters, refurbished with assistance from Paramount Group company Paramount Aerospace, at Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida. Tyndall Air Force Base (AFB) made history on 14 December as a unit of Mirage F1 aircraft…