Energy At The Tip Of The Spear (II)

Delivering Energy at the Tip of the Spear (Part Two) Deployable, Portable Renewable Power Units are Ready Today By Hon. Bill Anderson This posting is the second of a three part posting of the Honorable Bill Anderson’s examination of how to deliver energy to the deployed warfighter.  By enhancing the…

Delivering Energy at the Tip of the Spear (Part One)

09/30/2010 - This posting begins a three part series of the Honorable Bill Anderson’s examination of how to deliver energy to the deployed warfighter.  By enhancing the ability of the deployed force to self-sustain, a revolution in combat logistics can be generated. As Bill Anderson underscores: A more heavily armored…

Chinese Naval Might

Type 022 (Houbei-class) fast-attack missile craft Credit Photo: Chinese Military Power Report Highlights Growing Chinese Naval Might By Dr. Richard Weitz 09/30/2010 - On August 17th, 2010 the U.S. Department of Defense released its latest edition of its annual assessment of China’s military capabilities, intentions, and behavior to the…

Military Diplomacy with China

Can Hope Triumph Over Experience? By Richard Weitz [caption id="attachment_11443" align="alignleft" width="120" caption="(Credit photo: The Hudson Institute)By Dr. Richard WeitzCan Hope Triumph Over Experience?"][/caption] 09/30/2010 - Another theme in this year’s DoD report on the Chinese military is its appeal to China to make its military programs and objectives considerably…

America’s Deindustrialization and China’s Rise

This article was originally published in Manufacturing & Technology News on August 30th, 2010. Military Begins To Contemplate The Impact Of America’s Deindustrialization By Richard McCormack The military uses of nanotechnology are just part of China’s massive program of research and development. (Credit Photo: AFP/Getty Images as published in the…

U.S., China and Trade Dynamics

By Dr. Harald Malmgren Credit: China’s exceeds expectation as economy expands by 8-8,, January 2010 09/30/2010 - Resurgence in economic nationalism and protectionism is unfolding in the US.  President Obama’s bold promise to “double US exports in the next five years” has raised many eyebrows, as questions multiply about…