Crafting A NATO Helo Logistics Initiative for Afghanistan

By Robbin Laird and Murielle Delaporte 08/12/2009 - NATO is developing a common logistics initiative to support helicopters in operation in Afghanistan. It is clear that more helos are need for Afghan operations; but rather than simply inserting new kit, it is realized by senior NATO officials that shaping a…

Crafting a New IT System for Logistics: The Baseline

The USMC is building a new information technology system as a core part of their new logistics enterprise. In so doing, the USMC has followed a deliberate business approach in order NOT to hand over the task to a systems integrator. The USMC initially worked through their judgment on what…

The Emergence of a 21st Century Concept of Air Operations

The evolution of 21st century air operations is unfolding under the impact of a new generation of aircraft and a significant shift in the role of air operations in support of ground and maritime forces. The "5th generation" aircraft have largely been viewed as simply a next iteration of airframes…