By Robbin Laird As the USMC works the transition from a primary focus on counter-insurgency operations to operations against peer competitors. A key focus of Marine Corps training is to enhance their ability to operate across the battlespace from discrete locations but to be able to concentrate fires through consolidated…
By Captain George Galorisi and Dr. Scott Truver As the USN-USMC team shapes its way ahead with regard to the Expeditionary Strike Group, several new capabilities have come to that force. First there was the Osprey; then their was the F-35; and next up will be the coming of the…
By Robbin Laird During my visit to RAF Marham in May 2018, I had a chance to visit once again and to meet with senior RAF and Royal Navy personnel responsible for the standup of F-35 capability on UK soil. MoD is building new facilities to support the jet, and…
By Robbin Laird The UK MoD, the RAF and its industrial partners have been at the cutting edge in finding a path to enhanced combat aircraft availability through the evolution of its approach to performance based logistics. It has been and is a journey, one which started with parts support,…
U.S. Marines with Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron 1 prepare an MV-22 Osprey for takeoff during night tactics training in support of Weapons and Tactics Instructor course 2-18 at Short Takeoff Vertical Landing expeditionary airfield in Dateland, Ariz., April 9. [maxgallery id="118074"] WTI is a seven-week training event hosted…
By Robbin Laird There is probably no single air platform more affected by the transition from the strategic shift from counter-insurgency to the high-end fight than unmanned aerial systems. These systems have come to the fore during counter-insurgency operations and have provided significant persistent surveillance for the ground forces. They…
By Harald Malmgren Next week the European Union will hold a key summit. But that summit is being defined by and overshadowed by the political changes throughout key European states. The crisis in Germany is especially central to the fate of the summit. In late May and in the early…
By Robbin Laird During my visit to Portsmouth, England and to RAF Marham in early May 2018, I visited senior Royal Navy and defense personnel involved in the standing up of the UK carrier strike capability. After my morning briefings with the Royal Navy with regard to preparing the carrier…