C-17A Ramp


fl***********@ya***.com" data-headline="<p>Ground Team member scrables to reset runway markers while C-130H & Js approach Keno Airfleid. JFEX in the NTTR (June 2016).</p>" data-description="Air Mobility Command C-17A of the 62nd AW/446th AW McChord AFB, WA. The Globemaster III has the ramp open and is prepared for an air drop as it flies over Keno Airfield on the NTTR during Joint Forcible Entry Exercise (June 2016)." />

Air Mobility Command C-17A of the 62nd AW/446th AW McChord AFB, WA. The Globemaster III has the ramp open and is prepared for an air drop as it flies over Keno Airfield on the NTTR during Joint Forcible Entry Exercise (June 2016).

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