A KC-30A Multi Role Tanker Transport aircraft is marshalled in to position at the main air operating base in the Middle East Region after completing a mission during Operation OKRA. *** Local Caption *** Two KC-30A Multi-Role Tanker Transport aircraft were together at the main air operating base in the Middle East region recently to conduct a routine aircraft tail swap. The aircraft, flown in by crews from its home unit, No. 33 Squadron, will begin its service as part of the Air Task Group deployed on Operation OKRA.
The Air Task Group (ATG) in the Middle East Region is operating at the request of the Iraqi Government with a US-led Global Coalition assembled to degrade and defeat Daesh operations in Iraq and Syria. The ATG comprises six RAAF F/A-18F Super Hornet fighter aircraft, an E-7A Wedgetail airborne command and control aircraft, and a KC-30A Multi-Role Tanker Transport aircraft. Additionally, the ATG has personnel working in the Combined Air and Space Operations Centre, and embedded with the Kingpin US tactical Command and Control Unit.
Aircraft tail swaps occur routinely across all platforms. They ensure aircraft deployed and at home location remain on scheduled maintenance cycles and comply with mandated airworthiness requirements.