Senior Defence leaders (L-R) Commander Australian Fleet, Rear Admiral Stuart Mayer, CSC & Bar RAN, Commander Forces Command, Major General Peter Gus Gilmore AO, DSC, and Air Commander Australia, Air Vice-Marshal Gavin Turnbull lead the 2015 Anzac Day march through Sydney. *** Local Caption *** On Anzac Day, we remember not only the original Anzacs who died on 25 April 1915, but every one of our service men and women who have served and died in all wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations.
Anzac Day is a time to reflect on the contribution made by all of our past and present service men and women who have displayed great courage, discipline and self-sacrifice in choosing a life of service to their country.
The Anzac spirit lives in the heart and minds of all Australians as we acknowledge the courage and sacrifice of those who contributed so much in shaping the identity of this proud nation.
Approximately 2240 ADF members are currently deployed on operation, continuing the Anzac spirit whilst serving Australias national interests at home and in many countries around the world.