

Air Commodore Steven P. Roberton, DSC, AM visited 1(F) Sqn while taking part in Ex Bersama Lima 16.

Image Shows: Australian uniform with UK RAF uniform in background.

Air Commodore Steven P. Roberton is Commander of Air Combat Group (ACG),
responsible for force generation and command of Australia’s air combat operations.
ACG comprises three wings encompassing Hawk Lead-In Fighter training and
maintenance training; F/A-18A/B ‘Classic Hornet’ operations; and F/A-18F ‘Super
Hornet’ operations; and Joint Terminal Attack Controllers and Combat Controllers.

8 Typhoon Aircraft from RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland are taking part in Exercise Bersama Lima 16 and will be based out of RMAF Butterworth in Malaysia during their stay.

Ex Bersama Lima 16 is an annual Five Powers Defence Arrangement(FPDA) Maritime/Air Field Training Exercise and Joint Post Exercise conducted to enhance the operability and mutual co-operation among the FPDA nations. The exercise is sponsored on a rotational basis between the armed forces of Malaysia and Republic of Singapore and will take place between the period of 4-21 October 2016.

*For more Information Contact Photographic Section, RAF Lossiemouth, IV31 6SD. Tel: 01343 817191

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