LUH-72 Lakota Footage of CH-47 Chinook Flyby

05/01/2015: A CH-47D Chinook and a CH-47F Chinook perform a flyby over the California National Guard's Army Aviation Support Facility in Stockton, California, on Feb. 9. The flyby was part of a ceremony unveiling the Cal Guard's new, high-tech CH-47F Chinooks which are replacing the state's aging CH-47D fleet. This…

It is Not All High Tech: Army Aviation Unit Prepares After Afghan Snow Storm

03/22/2013: One of the essential facts of life in Afghanistan, is not only is a long way away, but the weather is as tough as it gets.  In this slideshow, a US Army aviation unit prepares the field for operations after an Afghan snowstorm. Snow flies off the rotor blades…