Danish Air Force and the Counter-Piracy Mission

12/15/2016: NATO’s last counter-piracy surveillance aircraft is flying her final mission, as part of Operation Ocean Shield. The Royal Danish Air Force crew of a Challenger surveillance aircraft tells us how much the coast of Somalia has changed since the height of pirate activity in the Horn of Africa. The mission…

Shaping a New Approach to Science and Society

[caption id="attachment_13725" align="alignleft" width="400" caption="European Commission Report"][/caption] 12/21/2010 - Preparing Europe for a New Renaissance: A Strategic View of the European Research Area says the European Union and the world are in need of another “renaissance” in order to confront the challenges that will present themselves when 9 billion people…

A European Union focus on Maritime Surveillance

The European Union has for a number of years been focusing on ways to enhance what the US calls “Maritime Domain Awareness” via increased collaboration among relevant stakeholders.  As European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Joe Borg commented: "For maritime surveillance to work as well as it can, it…