Harvest Hawk in Afghanistan: 2012

07/22/2014: VMGR-252 Squadron utilizes the KC-130J aircraft as the Harvest Hawk to support ground units in Afghanistan aboard Kandahar Air Field, Jan. 21, 2012. Credit: Regional Command Southwest:1/25/12 In a story written by Cpl. Issac Lamberth and published on March 26, 2012, a broad overview on the Harvest Hawk deployed…

Latvian Mentors Assist Afghan Air Force with Maintenance

04/06/2011 - An Afghan air force airman and a Latvian mentor perform checks on an Afghan air force MI-17 helicopter on Kandahar Air Field in Kandahar, Afghanistan. Latvian mentors have been assisting Afghan air force with maintenance on their MI-17 helicopters since February 2011. [slidepress gallery='latvian'] NATO Training Mission Afghanistan; 3/15/11…