The USS George Washington in the Philippines

11/20/2013: The USS George Washington is delivering capabilities being used in the relief effort.  It is also part of the hub and spoke system set up to support air operations as well. [slidepress gallery='the-uss-george-washington-in-the-philippines']  Credit: Navy Media Content Services:11/18/13 In the first, photo taken by Major A. “Papi” Guzman of…

The Initial Response to the Philippine Relief Mission: An Osprey Squadron in Action

11/17/2013: As the 1st Marine Wing prepared to celebrate the USMC birthday at a ball, and to prepare for a long weekend around Veteran's Day, this reverie was smashed by the reality of a Typhoon. Nature had another idea and another approach to Veteran's Day. It was time for the…

Ospreys and C-130Js Depart from Villamor Air Base Manila

11/15/2013: Philippine Air Force Sgt. Alex Deoric, assigned to the 520th Air Base Wing, guides a MV-22B Osprey carrying supplies and personnel from Villamor Air Base, Manila, to areas affected by Typhoon Haiyan, Nov. 14. The U.S. and Philippine Armed Forces have transported more than 384,400 pounds of relief supplies…

Ospreys Participate in Search and Rescue Mission in the Philippines

11/12/2013: The first task facing the USMC in helping the Philippines is to assist in the challenging search and rescue mission.  Ospreys are an important asset to operate throughout the islands as well as to be able to operate in very difficult terrain. [slidepress gallery='ospreys-participate-in-search-and-rescue-mission-in-the-philippines'] Credit: III Marine Expeditionary Force…

The Osprey Globally Engaged: This Time Landing on a Japanese Ship in the APR

11/13/2013:Earlier this year (June 14th), an Osprey landed onboard the JS Hyuga (DDG-181) during Dawn Blitz off of the coast of Naval Base Coronado. [slidepress gallery='osprey-lands-on-japanese-ship-operating-in-the-pacific']  Credit:III MEF:11/12/13 Now this has been done from Okinawa to a Japanese ship deployed in the Pacific. Lt. Gen. John Wissler and…

Testing the Osprey on High-Altitude and Long Range Rescue

10/12/2013: In September 2013, VMX-22 and the MARSOC participated in testing the capabilities of the Osprey and its upgraded software to perform long range and high altitude rescue missions. According to the CO of the squadron, Col. Michael Orr: As part of our operational test on a new Osprey software,…

Ospreys Deploy During Talisman Saber 2013

07/23/2013: MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft from Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron (VMM) 265 (Reinforced), 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit take off from Samuel Hill Airfield in the Shoalwater Bay Training Area on July 16. The 31st MEU is participating in Talisman Saber 2013, a biennial exercise that enhances multilateral collaboration between U.S.…

Ospreys of VMX-22 Operating Off of a Large-Deck Carrier

07/24/2013: These photos show some of the Ospreys involved in the flight tests conducted for the USN to determine if the Osprey would be a good Carrier on Delivery system for the USN. [slidepress gallery='ospreys-of-vmx-22-operating-off-of-a-large-deck-carrier']  Credit Photos: VMX-22