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By Robbin Laird The U.S. faces a vastly different world than when it primarily focused on land wars post-9/11. Today it faces a multi-polar authoritarian world, with adversaries and competitors with both shared and competing interests, capabilities, and approaches to the use of military force to achieve objectives. With that in mind, how does the U.S. train a naval force to operate in such a world? And how do you draw on relevant U.S. joint…

The USAF Innovates at the 33rd Fighter Wing: Working Survival Training for F-35 Pilots

11/14/2014Within the 33rd Fighter Wing, innovation doesn't end at the flight line, but finds its way into a 12-foot swimming pool.   Read more »

Training for the Extended Battlespace: An Interview with Rear Admiral Scott Conn, Commander, Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center

11/14/2014In this view with the head of The Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center, Admiral Conn focuses upon the training of integrated air wing and preparing for the future. Read more »

F-35C Carrier Tests: A Photo and Video Album

11/11/2014The initial operational capability of fifth generation fundamentally changes the way that we are going to fight. Read more »

An Update from the 33rd Fighter Wing on F-35 Maintenance

11/11/2014An update on the F-35 maintenance approach.   Read more »

The Importance of Training for Combat Proficiency: “You Can not Run a Peyton Manning Offense if You Can not Block and Tackle”

11/09/2014It is a waste of taxpayer money if you buy a capability that has not been trained to by its aircrew, Read more »

Australia and F-35Bs: Examining an Option for the Australian Defense Force

11/08/2014The Aussies are considering an F-35B option for their Army/Navy LHDs. When a country has joined the F-35 global enterprise, whatever variant they start with they can clearly… Read more »

VMX-22 Aboard USS AMERICA: An Interview with the CO of VMX-22

11/08/2014In this interview with the CO of VMX-22, he discusses his experience aboard the USS America. Read more »

Italy and the F-35: A New Report by the Centro Studi Internazionali

11/07/2014Recently, the Rome based think tank, Centro Studi Internazionali, published their look at Italy and the F-35 program. Read more »

Strike Integration at Fallon: Preparing for Today and Positioning for the Future

11/06/2014Training must focus on fighting with the force you have, but this force evolves over time and one needs to be prepared to incorporate joint capabilities and new… Read more »