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By Robbin Laird The U.S. faces a vastly different world than when it primarily focused on land wars post-9/11. Today it faces a multi-polar authoritarian world, with adversaries and competitors with both shared and competing interests, capabilities, and approaches to the use of military force to achieve objectives. With that in mind, how does the U.S. train a naval force to operate in such a world? And how do you draw on relevant U.S. joint…

Building the Australian Offshore Patrol Vessel: Contributing to and Leveraging the Integrated Distributed Force

03/06/2020By Robbin Laird For the past few years, I have been visiting Australia to participate in and to write the reports for the bi-annual seminars held by the… Read more »

C-2 for the Distributed Integrated Battlespace: The Marines Exercise the MUOS Sat Com Capability

03/06/2020It is logical that the USMC which is focused on enhanced capability to perform distributed operations but to do so in an integratable approach are keenly interested in… Read more »

Development, Training and Learning: Shaping the Skill Sets for the 21st Century Fight

02/23/2020By Robbin Laird The strategic shift from the land wars of the past two decades to preparing for the high-end fight is having a significant effect on the… Read more »

From the Integrated to the Integratable Air Wing: The Transformation of Naval Aviation

02/19/2020By Robbin Laird The US Navy over the next decade will reshape its carrier air wing (CVW) with the introduction of a number of new platforms. If one… Read more »

The 21st Century Fighting Navy: Shaping a Way Ahead

02/12/2020This Special Report focuses on how the US Navy is reshaping its capabilities for the 21st century fight and the key role which Naval Aviation is playing in… Read more »

CMV-22B is on Its Way: Visiting Amarillo

02/10/2020By Robbin Laird Last Friday, the US Navy and the Bell-Boeing team hosted an event in which the CMV-22B was rolled out. The ceremonial delivery was held on… Read more »

USS Gerald R. Ford Flight Operations: January 2020

01/30/2020The USS Gerald R. Ford is conducting Aircraft Compatibility Testing or ACT off the East Coast of the United States this month. According to an article published by… Read more »

The Arrival of Triton in the Pacific: New Manned-Unmanned Teaming Capabilities and Delivering new C2/ISR capabilities

01/28/2020The first two MQ-4C Triton unmanned aircraft arrived in Guam over the past weekend. “The inaugural deployment of Triton UAS brings enhanced capabilities and a broad increase in… Read more »

Building Out the Fleet with Maritime Remotes and AI: The UK Case

01/22/2020The US, the UK and Australia are working closely together with regard on developing maritime remote systems to work with and transform their maritime fleets. Recently, the UK… Read more »