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By Robbin Laird The U.S. faces a vastly different world than when it primarily focused on land wars post-9/11. Today it faces a multi-polar authoritarian world, with adversaries and competitors with both shared and competing interests, capabilities, and approaches to the use of military force to achieve objectives. With that in mind, how does the U.S. train a naval force to operate in such a world? And how do you draw on relevant U.S. joint…

UK to Deploy F-35s to Cyprus for the First Time

04/09/2019Cyprus has provided a key operational launch point for the RAF in the Middle East for some time. Recently, the UK updated its agreement with the Cyprus government… Read more »

From Legacy Training to Training a Crisis Management Force: 5th Gen and the Kill Web

04/04/2019By Robbin Laird An ability to actually have a kill web force requires the training to actually do it. Training will need to occur on two levels. First,… Read more »

Luke’s F-35 5-year Anniversary

04/04/2019Luke AFB is where the F-35 global enterprise has been launched. Pilots AND maintainers have been trained for the USAF and all the partner nations which have purchased… Read more »

Reshaping the Fleet in the Pacific: F-35Bs, Distributed Lethality and Unmanned Systems, and Allied Capabilities

04/03/2019By Robbin Laird The kill web appraoch at sea is tapping into a number of key real world operational developments as well as new technologies which will enhance… Read more »

The Next Phase in Shaping an Integrated 21st Air Combat Force: The RAF Adds Wedgetail

03/24/2019By Robbin Laird My visits to the UK and Australia over the past five years indicate growing working relationships between the two air forces but also that the… Read more »

Aussies Work Supply Chain Digitalization on the F-35

03/19/2019According to a press release from BAE Systems Australia, the company is working with the Commonwealth of Australia to work supply chain innovations with regard to the F-35.… Read more »

The F-35 Engine Removal and Installation (R&I) Mobility Trailer

03/03/2019The F-35 as a 21st century air platform has a number of innovations built into the aircraft and the overall air system to facilitate more effective maintenance and… Read more »

Australia and the F-35 Global Enterprise: Avalon Airshow 2019 Update

03/03/2019Defence has signed an agreement with Lockheed Martin Australia and Lockheed Martin Corporation to ensure the effective long-term sustainment of the F-35A Joint Strike Fighter capability in Australia.… Read more »

The Materialization of Plan Jericho: Building a Wingman for a 5th Generation Air Force

02/28/2019By Robbin Laird I have been travelling to Australia and working with the Williams Foundation in Canberra for five years. I am now a research Fellow at the Foundation. … Read more »