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By Robbin Laird The U.S. faces a vastly different world than when it primarily focused on land wars post-9/11. Today it faces a multi-polar authoritarian world, with adversaries and competitors with both shared and competing interests, capabilities, and approaches to the use of military force to achieve objectives. With that in mind, how does the U.S. train a naval force to operate in such a world? And how do you draw on relevant U.S. joint…

Norway, the F-35 and the Arrival of USAF F-35s at Lakenheath

04/22/2017The arrival of USAF F-35s at RAF Lakenheath for training exercises is viewed as a logical step towards building out defense in the region. Read more »

Preparing for the Operation of the Lightning Force: Infrastructure, Operations and the Way Ahead at RAF Marham

04/20/2017The rebuild at Marham is at the heart of the modernization or indeed transformation of UK forces. Read more »

An Update on the Australian Wedgetail and Its Evolution: A Discussion with Group Captain Stuart Bellingham

04/07/2017Group Captain Stuart Bellingham provides an update on recent operational experiences of the Wedgetail and its evolving capabilities and role in the combat force. Read more »

RAF Lakenheath Prepares for the Future: USAF F-35As and F-15s Combine With RAF Capabilities to Provide a 21st Century Deterrent Force

04/06/2017Shaping a joint approach between the RAF/RN at Marham and the USAF at Lakenheath can have a strategic impact. Read more »

The F-35 Pacific Forum: Shaping A Coalition Approach Towards 21st Century Defense

03/22/2017The first F-35 symposium of operators has been held in Hawaii. Read more »

Triton and Shaping the 21st Century Fleet Approach to Distributed Lethality

03/20/2017Triton is the latest and cutting edge US Navy platform associated with advanced ISR or maritime domain awareness for the fleet. Read more »

F-35 Pacific Symposium

03/18/2017Video:F-35 Pacific Symposium Read more »

15th MEU Readies for Deployment with the USS America ARG (Part One)

03/17/2017Distributed assault in contested space is a game changer for the MEU/ARG. Read more »

F-35 Weapons Testing MBDA’s ASRAAM

03/15/2017The F-35 successfully conducted its first firings of MBDA’s ASRAAM. Read more »