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By Robbin Laird The U.S. faces a vastly different world than when it primarily focused on land wars post-9/11. Today it faces a multi-polar authoritarian world, with adversaries and competitors with both shared and competing interests, capabilities, and approaches to the use of military force to achieve objectives. With that in mind, how does the U.S. train a naval force to operate in such a world? And how do you draw on relevant U.S. joint…

The USS America at Sea Working F-35Bs and Ospreys: Shaping a Way Ahead

11/18/2016The USS America is a weapon system, not simply a platform, and is a very flexible insertion force, notably working with an amphibious task force. Read more »

The Evolution of a 21st Century Airbase in the United Kingdom: The Perspective of Group Captain Paul Godfrey, RAF Lossiemouth

11/10/2016Group Captain Paul Godfrey talks about RAF Lossiemouth and its role in the way ahead for the RAF. Read more »

Norwegian Joint Strike Missile Tests at Edwards AFB

11/05/2016The 412th Test Wing is in the process of conducting tests on the Norwegian Joint Strike missile which will eventually operate from the F-35. Read more »

The Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Warfare Systems Look at the Way Ahead: Rear Admiral Manazir on Shaping Kill Webs

10/13/2016Rear Admiral Manazir focuses on shaping and crafting kill webs for US and allied forces in the extended battle space. Read more »

An Overview on the F-35 as a Flying Combat System

10/12/2016The F-35 is highly interactive with air combat transformation. Read more »

AF-100 Lands at Luke AFB

09/29/2016In late August, the 100th USAF F-35 landed at Luke AFB. Read more »

F-35 At Luke AFB

09/29/2016F-35 as seen in 56th Wing activities. Read more »

Aussie and American Instructor F-35 Pilots Operate at Mountain Home AFB

09/29/2016The Aussies and the USAF engage in high end training. Read more »

Rollout of the First Japanese F-35

09/24/2016This video provides a highlight of the rollout ceremony at Fort Worth for the first Japanese F-35. Read more »