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By Robbin Laird The U.S. faces a vastly different world than when it primarily focused on land wars post-9/11. Today it faces a multi-polar authoritarian world, with adversaries and competitors with both shared and competing interests, capabilities, and approaches to the use of military force to achieve objectives. With that in mind, how does the U.S. train a naval force to operate in such a world? And how do you draw on relevant U.S. joint…

Visiting the RAAF Williamtown Air Base: Preparing for the Future and Remembering the Past

03/24/2016In a visit to Williamtown Air Base, one can see the past, the current and the future air combat capability of the Royal Australian Air Force on display. Read more »

“The Right Stuff” F-35 Style: The Edwards F-35 Integrated Test Force Talks About the Roll Out of the Global Aircraft

03/18/2016After having visited Pax River, we recently visited the other half of the integrated F-35 ITF team at Edwards AFB. Read more »

The Deputy Commandant of Aviation Down Under: Plan Jericho Marine Corps Style

03/18/2016The Deputy Commandant for Aviation for the USMC talks with the Aussies about the future of air-enabled combat. Read more »

PAX River and the F-35 Integrated Test Force Looks Back on 2015

03/13/2016In this video produced by the Pax River F-35 Integrated Test Team, they look back on developments in 2015 at the facility. Read more »

Building Wings for the F-35: Israel, Italy and Fort Worth Shape a 21st Century Capability

03/10/2016Complete or full wings for the F-35 are only built in Cameri and Fort Worth, but Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) builds outer wing boxes as well. Read more »

The Vermont Air National Guard Prepares for the F-35: Training Intel Officers

03/08/2016The first air national guard airman have graduated from the F-35 intel school and the Marines started the process last year. Read more »

ACC Heritage Flight Program: The F-35 Joins the Program

03/08/2016The F-35 Heritage team is from the 61st Fighter Squadron at Luke AFB, AZ. Read more »

Squadron Fighter Pilots: The Unstoppable Force of Innovation for 5th Generation Enabled Concepts of Operations

03/07/2016To understand the coming impact of the F-35 one just has to listen to what the military pilots who actually are flying the aircraft are saying. Read more »