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By Robbin Laird The U.S. faces a vastly different world than when it primarily focused on land wars post-9/11. Today it faces a multi-polar authoritarian world, with adversaries and competitors with both shared and competing interests, capabilities, and approaches to the use of military force to achieve objectives. With that in mind, how does the U.S. train a naval force to operate in such a world? And how do you draw on relevant U.S. joint…

First Italian F-35 Flight: Shaping Common Training, Tactics and Procedures for the Global F-35 Fleet

11/08/2015Video: Italian F-35 pilots are training at Luke AFB and on of the pilots used an Aussie F-35 jet. Read more »

Next Up at Luke: Norwegian Pilots Join USAF, Aussie and Italian F-35 Training

11/08/2015The next step in the F-35 global enterprise: Norwegian pilots come to train at Luke. Read more »

From Interoperability to Integration: Italian F-35 Pilots Fly an Aussie F-35 on a U.S. Base

11/06/2015Italian F-35 pilots are at Luke AFB and one pilot's first flight was on an Aussie F-35. Read more »

The Renorming of Airpower in Practice: The F-22 Leads the Way

11/05/2015The F-22 has become a key enabler for the entire air combat force currently, and had led to a re-norming of airpower in practice. Read more »

Royal Air Force Operations and Evolving Concepts of Operations: Shaping a Triple Transition

11/02/2015In this interview, RAF leaders look at the operations and transformation of the force. Read more »

A Dominant 21st Century Fighting Force: The Role of the Large-Deck Carrier

11/02/2015For the power projection forces, it is about the capability to work across an extended battlespace. Read more »

Test Firing of F-35 Gun

11/02/2015F-35 test pilot Maj Charles “Flak” Trickey fires the first aerial gun test burst of the GAU-22/A 25mm gun from F-35A aircraft AF-2 Read more »

The Next Step in the USMC F-35 Modernization Path: The First F-35B Student Pilot

10/31/2015The Warlords at Beaufort Air Station have their first tour pilot coming to fly the F-35B. Read more »

An Update on the Evolution of Airpower: A Discussion with Lt. General Preziosa on the Way Ahead for the Italian Air Force (Updated With Italian Translation)

10/25/2015The F-35 is a battlespace dominance aircraft; not a classic air superiority, air defense or ground attack aircraft. Read more »