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By Robbin Laird The U.S. faces a vastly different world than when it primarily focused on land wars post-9/11. Today it faces a multi-polar authoritarian world, with adversaries and competitors with both shared and competing interests, capabilities, and approaches to the use of military force to achieve objectives. With that in mind, how does the U.S. train a naval force to operate in such a world? And how do you draw on relevant U.S. joint…

Managing Defense Supply Chains: Shaping A 21st Century Way Ahead

03/01/2015We are revisiting the question of how technologies like RFID work to help DoD to have more effective systems to manage the logistics system. Read more »

Visiting the F-35 Final Assembly Line, Fort Worth

03/01/2015The Final Assembly Line in Fort Worth is maturing and the FACO in Italy will deliver its first jet this year with the Japanese to open their facility… Read more »

The Coming of the Joint Strike Fighter and Defense Transformation

02/25/2015The initial operating capability of the F-35 is not simply about the introduction of a replacement aircraft but the next phase in a revolution of airpower. Read more »

“The Plane is a Broker of Information”: A Conversation with Mike Skaff

02/25/2015In a discussion with the chief engineer for designing the F-35 pilot interface, Dr. Skaff provides a sense of the way ahead based on dialogue with F-35 pilots… Read more »

Shaping an S-Cubed Combat Revolution: Preparing for the Coming Hypersonic Cruise Missile Threat

02/24/2015S-cubed=sensors-stealth-speed of weapons can provide a new paradigm for shaping a combat force. Read more »

The F-35’s Distributed Aperture System: An Update from Rolling Meadow and Sydney’s North Shore

02/24/2015The distributed aperture system or DAS is a key set of sensors on the F-35 which provides data for the fused cockpit system and the helmet display. Read more »

The Launch of Plan Jericho: The RAAF Lays Down its Transformation Strategy

02/24/2015The Royal Australian Air Force has officially launched its transformation program at the Avalon Air Show, February 2015. Read more »

Uk Government Invests in RAF Marham: Preparing for the F-35

02/22/2015The F-35 hub in the UK receives funding boost. Read more »

Red Flag Nellis Going Forward: Training the Force of the Expanded Battlespace

02/21/2015During our visit to Nellis AFB, we visited with the leaders of the Red Flag Exercise.. Read more »