The Centre for Military Studies: A New Strategic Partner


2014-06-06 The SLD team welcomes its new strategic partner, the Centre for Military Studies of the University of Copenhagen.

The Centre for Military Studies is Part of the Department of Political Science at the University of Copenhagen. The Centre currently is focusing on the following research areas:

  • The Arctic, Global Commons and Maritime Strategy
  • Small State Strategy, European Armed Forces in a time of Austerity and the Danish Defence Model
  • The Use and Utility of Force in Future Operations


On the Centre’s website the Centre is described as follows:

The Centre for Military Studies is a university research center focusing on policy-relevant research and research-based information and innovation that identify options for Denmark’s defense and security policy in a globalized world. Research at the Centre is thus a means to identify policy options in a complex, interconnected security environment. We work closely with the Danish Ministry of Defence, the Danish Armed Forces and the political level to investigate issues and develop ideas and options.

We believe that democracies make better decisions, but only if the facts are presented to public and policy-makers in ways that clearly identify choices and risks. Therefore, we carefully consider the means by which we communicate our findings and the ways in which we facilitate dialogue. We use considerable resources to inform the public and policy-makers on our findings and comment on current affairs.

The Centre seeks to bridge the inherently global nature of security issues and security actors and the national Danish foreign, security and defense policy discourse. It does so by utilizing Scandinavian traditions for a meaningful dialogue between industry, civil-society, parliament, officials and the armed forces. The Centre is a go-to-place for dialogue and policy-options. The Centre harnesses concepts, trends and evidence into tools for understanding and acting on Danish defense and security issues.

We will be highlighting the work of the Centre and talking with its team on a regular basis.

Danish perspectives on European and Arctic security and defense are important to the thought leadership necessary for 21st century defense and security.

In addition to highlighting the Centre’s published work, we will publish a period update on its activities and on the perspective from Copenhagen with its Director, Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen.

We have forged several international partnerships through which we exchange contents, and perspectives.

Among our international partners are the following:


RAAF Airpower Development Center

The Kokoda Foundation

The Williams Foundation


Front Line Defence


Risk Intelligence

The Centre for Military Studies


Operationnels SLDS


India Strategic

South Africa



United Kingdom

Defence Analysis

Sally B