Operations Render Safe 2016 Concludes


10/11/2016: Operations Render Safe 16 has come to a fitting end in the Solomon Islands following a reconnaissance mission to the Western Provinces that will pave the way for the future destruction of Explosive Remnants of War (ERW).

An enduring annual Australian-led mission, this year the operation destroyed over 10 tonnes of World War II munitions in the central islands.

Two Australian mine hunters, HMAS Diamantina and HMAS Huon, and the New Zealand diving support vessel, HMNZ Manawanui, left Port of Honiara on October 1st to begin the search.

The ships separated to search areas in New Georgia, the Shortland Islands and Choiseul to determine the presence or absence of explosive remnants of war for potential future clearance operations.

Commander of the Task Force, Commander (CMDR) Etienne Mulder, was aboard Diamantina during the reconnaissance mission and said many islands in the Western Provinces had not been searched in past Operation Render Safe activities.

“Some of these islands were at the centre of fighting between the Allies and the Japanese during WWII and places like the Shortland Islands were heavily engaged by aircraft and artillery,” he said.

“The Shortland Islands was the location of Japanese supply bases and airfields which were consequently taken over by the US and their allies and as a result there is a lot of explosive ordnance lying around, which poses a dangerous threat to the locals.”

During their exploration of the Shortland Islands, the crew of Diamantina located Japanese and US relics, including airfields, concrete bunkers, wrecked aircraft, vehicles and artillery overgrown by jungle or covered in water, as well as explosive ordnance of different calibres.

The Japanese airstrip at Balalae Island, which is close to Bougainville, has a grim history as it was where many British Army prisoners of war died during its construction.

The airstrip is still in remarkable condition and is regularly maintained for use by island traders.

CMDR Mulder said the ordnance in these areas had been untouched for 70 years because they were rarely visited.
“New Zealand’s Operation Pukuruku is similar to Operation Render Safe and they plan to potentially operate in this area, which is why HMNZ Manawanui conducted a reconnaissance around Munda in south-west Choiseul,” he said.

“Operation Render Safe is not just important to the Solomon Islands, it’s important to all the people of the south-west Pacific.

“These countries did not choose to be involved in the war between the allies and the Japanese and it left the legacy of explosive remnants of war.

“We are here to help the Solomon Islands to clear that deadly menace.”

Credit: Australian Ministry of Defense:10/6/16

“Fierce Pride”: Preparing for NATO Defense


10/09/2016: Next year the UK will lead NATO’s spearhead force, the VJTF, designed to react to a crisis in days. Meet some of the British soldiers who will form part of the task force and find out what it means to them.


Courtesy Video:Natochannel

What remains is to properly equip and arm the force.

“Capability that is foundational to all major armed forces has been withered by design,” wrote Sir Richard. The MoD, he says, is working to “preserve the shop window” while critical technical and logistical capabilities have been “iteratively stripped out” behind it.


“We became used to using the military as a foreign policy tool, but in that lost any real sense of it as an insurance policy,” said a senior Whitehall official.

“So far there is a lot of talk about deterrence across Nato but what really matters is whether it is credible, certainly as far as Russia is concerned.”

According to Sir Richard, the challenge is not merely one of resources or money.

More fundamentally, he wrote, the issue is one of strategic oversight and planning.

In the MoD and the security organs of Whitehall, he said, there was now “almost no capacity left to think and plan strategically or generate resources for the unforeseen … our own bureaucracy struggles to get its head above managing details and events”.

Global Strike: The Keystone of U.S. Deterrence


10/07/2016: “After the Cold War, we forgot them.

We forgot about the men and women that defend our nation, 24/7, with nuclear weapons by their side.

And yes, we are fully aware that should these weapons ever be used, the final page of history is in their hands.

This video is a tribute to the Global Strike Airmen who are Our Nation’s Shield.

You won’t forget them again.”

US Air Force

Video byKevin Denter, Airman:10/03/2016

Clearing a Solomon Islands World War II Munitions Cache

10/08/2016: Royal Australian Navy clearance divers hauled in over 3.5 tons of WWII munitions from the ocean in the Solomon Islands in a single morning during Operation Render Safe in September.

The Australian Clearance Diving Team One found 82 United States 155mm high explosive projectiles off Guadalcanal just 50 meters from a village.

Operation Render Safe aims to remove explosive remnants of war across the South West Pacific, which continues to pose a potential danger to local communities.

The operation ran from 12 September – 7 October 2016.

Credit: Australian Ministry of Defense:October 4, 2016

Touring the P-8


10/06/2016: Vice Adm. James G. Foggo III and the P-8 Poseidon crew discuss the plane’s capabilities.



Video by Daniel Zaborows

For our report on the P-8/Triton dyad, see the following:


Valiant Shield 2016:Photoex Formation


10/04/2016: As James Gigliotti, now the F-35C Navy Program Manager at Lockheed Martin and previously commander of the Aircraft Carrier USS Harry Truman, put it:

“One has to understand that distributed operations have always been crucial to carrier operations. In what we used to call “chain saw”, F-14s would operate at the outer edge of the Carrier Battle Group (now Carrier Strike Groups or CSGs) and provide initial carrier defense capabilities for the battle group.

When Aegis ships and newer, better surface-to-air missiles came to the fleet we began to morph how we conducted such operations, but it was distributed operations none the less.

For strike operations against land-based targets, there was dedicated level of coordination that took place in the 90s in which Tomahawk missiles and Carrier-based aircraft were folded into complex, integrated operations.

Witness what happened during and after Desert Storm. The strike group was widely separated in order to best place ships and aircraft for most effective employment. The only time the various ships in the carrier battle group were together in one place was for the photo op.”


In this video you see such a photo op.

PHILIPPINE SEA (Sept. 23, 2016)

USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) and USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6) lead a formation of Carrier Strike Group Five and Expeditionary Strike Group Seven ships including, USS Momsen (DDG 92), USS Chancellorsville (CG 62), USS Stethem (DDG 63), USS Benfold (DDG 65), USS Curtis Wilbur (DDG 54), USS Germantown (LSD 42), USS Barry (DDG 52), USS Green Bay (LPD 20), USS McCampbell (DDG 85), as well as USNS Walter S. Diehl (T-AO 193) during a photo exercise to signify the completion of Valiant Shield 2016.

Valiant Shield is a biennial, U.S. only, field-training exercise with a focus on integration of joint training among U.S. forces. This is the sixth exercise in the Valiant Shield series that began in 2006.

Video by Petty Officer 1st Class Elijah Leinaar

Commander, Task Force 70 / Carrier Strike Group 5:09.23.2016

Valiant Shield 2016


10/03/2016: Commander, Task Force (CTF) 75 and its Task Groups participate in Exercise Valiant Shield 2016.

Valiant Shield is a biennial, U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps exercise held in Guam, focusing on real-world proficiency in sustaining joint forces at sea, in the air, on land and in cyberspace.

CTF-75 is the primary expeditionary task force responsible for the planning and execution of coastal riverine operations, explosive ordnance disposal, diving engineering and construction, and underwater construction in the U.S. 7th fleet area of responsibility.

Credit: Fleet Combat Camera Pacific: 09/30/2016

Riverine Squadron 2 in Valiant Shield 2016


10/01/2016: Sailors assigned to Coastal Riverine Squadron Two (CRS-2) conduct operational testing with Coastal Riverine Group 1, Det Guam Mark VI Patrol Boats during Valiant Shield 2016 in Santa Rita, Guam, Sep. 17, 2016.

Valiant Shield is a biennial U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps exercise held in Guam, focusing on real-world proficiency in sustaining joint forces at sea, in the air, on land and in cyberspace.

SANTA RITA, GUAM:09.17.2016

Video by Petty Officer 1st Class Arthurgwain Marquez

Fleet Combat Camera Pacific