German Platform Decisions: Selecting the Tornado Replacement and the Nuclear Mission


By Robbin Laird

Nuclear deterrence is back on the agenda for NATO and the United States.

The buildup of the Russian missile arsenal, short, medium and long range, with clear violations of INF limitations are designed less to create a so-called anti-access and area denial capability than an arsenal designed to make the recovery of classic conventional deterrence seem beyond reach in Europe.

The anti-access and area denial bit is really about defending the Kola Peninsula, the largest concentration of military force in the world as well as the always-vulnerable “European” Russian area.

But with the gaping holes in European defense capabilities and the with the United States working to repair the focus on the land wars, there clearly is a major gap in a credible continental conventional deterrent force.

In this sense, the ability to combine hybrid warfare means, significant offensive strike missiles, and an ability to blend in low-yield nuclear weapons in the mix are designed to give the Russians flexibility in coercing European states.

With such an approach, how can European states, European NATO and the United States enhanced a credible warfighting approach, which can deter the Russians?

I looked at ways the United States might approach answering this question in an article which I published last year. There a dealt with a range of options facing the United States in terms of reinforcing nuclear deterrence within Europe against the Russian nuclear and missile modernization efforts.

But it is not just about the United States; but it is also about the European nuclear powers, Britain and France, and we have dealt with those dynamics of change in our forthcoming book, The Return of Direct Defense in Europe.

For a number of European states, they have participated for some time in a NATO nuclear sharing effort, in which those states arm combat aircraft with a nuclear weapon provided by the United States and have available a core capability which can be used in sync with NATO concepts of operations. The current NATO nuclear sharing policy is built around a policy whereby the United State forward deploys a small number of nuclear warheads which could be operated by non-American NATO assets in time of war. These non-strategic weapons would be deployed by dual capable aircraft (DCA) maintained by certain NATO allies, including Germany.

DCA aircraft are specially configured for a nuclear mission including special radiation “hardening,” to make their electronics more resistant to the electromagnetic pulse and other radiant energies associated with a nuclear explosion. Also involved, is special training for DCA pilots for the nuclear mission as well.

Germany faces a twin transition challenge with the coming retirement of its Tornado aircraft. On the one hand, there is the platform itself; on the other hand, there is the nuclear mission which that aircraft currently delivers for Germany.

Of course, Germany could simply walk out of the nuclear sharing NATO effort, and replace Tornado not as a DCA but with a single conventional only platform.

But as Rafael Oss noted in an article published by the European Council on Foreign Relations on April 30, 2020:

Without dual-capable aircraft in its arsenal Germany could still contribute to the alliance’s SNOWCAT (Support of Nuclear Operations With Conventional Air Tactics) programme by having its non-nuclear Eurofighters escort allied dual-capable aircraft. It could also continue to participate in the high-level Nuclear Planning Group and related forums in which all NATO members apart from France confer on issues associated with nuclear forces.

But its influence on nuclear matters within the alliance, including arms control and disarmament, would diminish considerably.

The “détente” portion of NATO’s basic policy of combining deterrence and détente – traditionally of great interest to Germany’s political left – would lose an important champion.

The loss of Germany’s influence might even extend beyond the nuclear realm: the US, France, and the United Kingdom would be unlikely to continue consulting with Germany in the informal Quad group if it is unwilling to share either the financial or the nuclear burdens of collective defence and deterrence.

Germany abandoning its dual-capable aircraft could even mark the beginning of the end for nuclear burden sharing in NATO.

Public opinion in the three other countries that contribute dual-capable aircraft to the nuclear mission – Italy, Belgium, and the Netherlands – is even less enthusiastic about nuclear deterrence than it is in Germany.

If Germany were to quit, such allies may eventually follow suit. In turn, other NATO members with more favourable views of nuclear deterrence, like Poland or Romania, might seek bilateral agreements with the US to satisfy their security needs.

Either way, the alliance’s deterrence and defence posture would become even more beholden to Washington.

Finally, failure to replace the Tornado could affect the future of arms in Europe. Cold war arms control was not driven solely by moral concerns, but also by practical considerations centring around particular weapons. As the international arms control architecture crumbles, Europeans rightly lament the ending of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty and the less-than-certain future of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.

But moralistic arguments alone will hardly entice Russia to the negotiation table. Without forward-deployed US nuclear gravity bombs and European dual-capable aircraft to carry them to their targets, NATO would have much less to offer in exchange for Russia’s estimated 2,000 tactical nuclear weapons.

But what then are the options to replace Tornado DCA with another aircraft?

The first and most obvious choice is the F-35.

This is the aircraft which the United States and a number of European allies who participate in the nuclear sharing mission will use moving forward in the decade.

In an article which I wrote in 2017, I laid out the way ahead with regard to the F-35 and nuclear deterrence.

There is much to be said for such an option for Germany, and two former Luftwaffe air chiefs provided a hard-hitting case for acquiring the F-35 in part for this mission set.

But Germany chose for defense industrial base reasons to not go down this path.

Its decision was to pursue the Future Combat Air System program with France which is designed to replace Eurofighter and Rafale by 2040.

This means that either one simply does not replace Tornado, or argues that Eurofighter can subsume Tornado functions and you simply build more of them.

Project Centurion for the RAF does subsume some of the weapons load outs on the Tornado for the modernized Eurofighter. And clearly, Germany can leverage the fruits of Project Centurion.

But the RAF is buying F-35 and not only that is a major stakeholder in the program, and working F-35s with Eurofighters as an air combat dyad.

The second option would be to develop a DCA Eurofighter.

For Germany, if they would remain a nuclear player, they would face the challenge of achieving nuclear certification of the Eurofighter in the United States. This would entail as well significant training for the DCA mission, also to be conducted in the United States.

Airbus made the case that the Eurofighter could be certified by 2025 which would meet the projected deadline for retirement of Tornado.

This was almost certainly an optimistic projection, but there remains a number of questions about the weapon to be carried at what altitude and what mission profile. The altitudes at which Tornados fly a nuclear mission versus the altitude at which Eurofighter would do so are so different the question would not just be one of certification, but of effective combat operations as well.

A third option, which purportedly the one taken, will be to buy Super Hornets for the nuclear mission and Growlers for the EW mission. 

Recently, the defense press has asserted that the German government has approved a mixed buy of Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornets, EA-18G Growler electronic attack aircraft, and Eurofighter EF-2000 fighters for the Luftwaffe to replace its remaining fleet of 90 Panavia Tornados.

Even though the defense press has announced this, the German government has not. Even more to the point, Germany will see an election, a new Bundestag, a new Defence Committee within the Bundestag, and the ever-challenging budget process to sort through all of this.

Nevertheless, the prospect is an intriguing one and raises a number of key questions.  

How will the German government play out its nuclear policy in the years ahead?

How will its new nuclear capable aircraft dovetail with those other members of the nuclear club in Europe who will be flying F-35s?

France is not part of the integrated nuclear club within NATO, but how will the German engagement mesh with any evolving French nuclear policy?

The Growler buy is interesting on many levels.

At the International Fighter Conference 2019, a senior Luftwaffe officer made it very clear that the EW mission was a central one for his Air Force.

At the same conference, Eurofighter made a splashy announcement of their EW build out of their aircraft. Obviously, the Luftwaffe preferred a flying aircraft to a briefing chart version of the Eurofighter.

What made the Luftwaffe go down the Growler route?

Then there is the question of partners.

The only force which flies the Super Hornet and the Growler other than the US Navy is the RAAF.

Might new partnerships emerge from the Luftwaffe operating the Growler, up to and included working on Australian training ranges?

The Eurofighter modernization is also interesting.

Much of the technology envisaged in the “new” version of the Eurofighter already exists on the RAF’s aircraft.

Does this presage a closer working relationship between the Luftwaffe and the RAF in shaping the evolving Eurofighter fleet, up to and including participation in Tempest?

And Germany and project Tempest is interesting to think about, for the project is more about leveraging 4th/5thgeneration aircraft and shaping the way to 6th generation than building a new fighter.

And with SAAB’s as well as the Italian’s participation in the project, this looks more like a renovated Eurofighter coalition than anything else.

And then what are the implications then for FCAS?

At a minimum, the Germans would expand their options and enhance their position vis a vis the French in shaping a way ahead for 21st century air combat.

Other questions are posed by one user of the Super Hornet, namely, the RAAF.

Former Chief of Air Force, Air Marshal Brown has highlighted that the shift from the Hornet to the Super Hornet was a significant one as the RAAF was faced with the challenge of handling securely a data rich aircraft.

Working through those security and data managing aspects of the aircraft could provide a useful learning curve for the Luftwaffe going forward.

And Brown provided another interesting aspect of where the learning curve might help the Luftwaffe as well.

“With regard to the Growler, it is not about flying with the F-35 as far as the Growler is concerned, for the F-35 clearly does not need it; but the Growler can be and will be used in many other situations. Also a two-seat aircraft has the advantage of being able to evolve it’s roles to take far more advantage of second seat.

“We do not need pricey UAVs, which look like manned aircraft; we need cheap expendable assets. And the Super Hornet as a two-seat aircraft can evolve into a good asset to launch and control such assets, or to command assets launched by other aircraft as well.”

The projected dual buy of Super Hornets and Growlers could have impacts on other German procurement decisions, notably, the Pegasus versus Global 6000 options. Northrop Grumman is the prime contractor for Pegasus, and also the key provider for the EW systems onboard the Growler. Presumably, there would be synergy between Growler and Pegasus which could be leveraged.

And historically, Luftwaffe EW operators have trained with the US Navy at NAWDC. In my recent interview with CDR Brett Stevenson, the Commander of HAVOC, we discussed the potential German acquisition of the Growler as well. I would like to say, the CDR reminded me, but if you do not know a fact, you can be reminded of it, that the Germans are long standing partners with the US Navy as well in EW. The CDR noted that there is a long-standing exchange officer program with the Luftwaffe at VAQ-129, the Growler training squadron. This means that UK and German legacy EW training via Tornado plus the Australians would add up to an EW coalition being trained in the evolving and developing 21st century approach to EW.

Given that both Triton, and Growler are key stakeholders in the way ahead for fleet ISR and tron warfare, German operators of Pegasus and Growler could almost certainly be part of the US Navy reworking its EW/ISR/CR concepts of operations.

In the increasingly focused effort on integratability, no platform fights alone.

This why ANY platform decision must be considered from its impact on the evolving capabilities for the future fight; and not just on a stove-piped short-term solution.

Featured Photo: A German air force Tornado from the Tactical Air Force Squadron 51, Schleswig Air Base, Germany, breaks away from a KC-135 Stratotanker from the 100th Air Refueling Wing, RAF Mildenhall, England, after receiving fuel over Germany, April 29, 2020. 



Photo by Tech. Sgt. Emerson Nuñez 

100th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs


















USCG Bertholf Ops

The Coast Guard Cutter Bertholf (WMSL 750) participates in a Western Pacific deployment under the tactical control of the U.S. Navy’s 7th Fleet, March – July 2019.

Bertholf’s crew engaged in joint exercises with partner coast guard and navies while patrolling the region.

Bertholf made international port calls to Yokosuka, Japan, Jeju, South Korea, Busan, South Korea, Manila, Philippines, Sasebo, Japan, and Singapore during their deployment. U.S. Coast Guard video by Chief Petty Officer Matt Masaschi and Chief Petty Officer John Masson.



Video by Chief Petty Officer Matthew Masaschi

U.S. Coast Guard Pacific Area

The Performance-Based Logistics (PBL) Foundation for the CH-53K Sustainment Approach: Shaping a New Way Ahead for Next Generation Digital Aircraft


By Robbin Laird

In my last article focused on CH-53K sustainment, I highlighted how the next generation digital aircraft reshape how sustainment is managed and executed. I concluded that “the CH-53K is a smart aircraft birthed in a digital age that is doing support and manufacturing differently. In other words, it’s symmetrical with a significant strategic change, rather than being a legacy system struggling to adapt to the new age.”

Even though the digital nature of the aircraft allows for significant innovation in maintenance and sustainment of the fleet, for its full effects to be realized, the process whereby maintenance is managed is crucial in providing a framework for shaping a more effective way ahead.

In the interview with Pierre Garant, we discussed the performance-based logistics (PBL) experience with Sikorsky helicopters and how this experience shaped a core process within which new digital aircraft would be able to leverage and in turn improve the performance of the process itself.

Currently, Garant is the Director of Sustainment for Marine Corps Helicopter Programs – which includes delivering support to the current fleet of Presidential/Executive Transport (“Marine One” aircraft fleet, VH-3D and VH-60N as well as introduction of the VH-92A) and the USMC/USN Heavy Lift Aircraft fleet (CH-53E and MH-53E and introduction of the CH-53K).

Pierre has 38 years of leadership experience in the field of aviation.  He held a number of leadership positions in the U.S. Marine Corps, highlighted by his tenure as the Director of the Aviation Logistics at Headquarters (Pentagon) Marine Corps Aviation as a Marine Colonel.

Following his 26-year career in the Marine Corps, he was the Director of Support at Bell-Boeing for the V-22 (Osprey) Tilt-Rotor Aircraft Program before joining Sikorsky in 2013.  He holds a BA from Cornell University, an MS from University of Southern California and an MS from the National Defense University.  Along with his academic degrees, Pierre holds many military decorations and professional certifications.

Continuing with what I learned in the interview with Garant, we discussed how Sikorsky has taken its experience working with the government in the PBL for Seahawk and with the new PBL contract to support CH-53E to expand the scope of PBL support.

According to Garant: “We’re rapidly maturing the PBL model to not just do material availability with supply material deliveries, but now expanding the focus on aircraft availability metrics and incentives.”

According to Garant, the Seahawk PBL set the industry standard in terms of being able to cover a full “tip to tail” approach to support for the aircraft, and “through the years, the Seahawk PBL team continue to drive process and product improvements into the value stream. And clearly the contract is driving cost savings for the customer and enhanced aircraft availability.” Of note, the Seahawk PBL was awarded the DOD best PBL in 2019.1

In an interview with Garant conducted two years ago, we first discussed the then new PBL contract with NAVAIR to support the CH-53E. Sikorsky – working with NAVAIR at Pax River Maryland – have established a Fleet Common Operating Environment (or “FCOE”) database and analytics toolset to support CH-53E operations.

“It is our government version of the Sikorsky proven Customer Care Center we employ to support our commercial helicopter fleet.

“The goal is the same, namely to rapidly and reliably understand the performance of the aircraft in the real world in order to proactively create readiness and cost reduction solutions for the global fleet within a ‘total mission assurance (PBL-like)’commercial customer business model. ”

 The establishment and operation of the FCOE capability has paved the way for the creation of an expanded performance-based logistics (PBL) business model and contract between Sikorsky and the government to support the H-53E.

“Traditional PBLs focus on parts availability: the contractor delivers the part within a certain timeframe and is measured by success in terms of a ‘Supply Response Time’ metric.

“The traditional PBL is focused on the supply chain performance.

“The new approach expands performance to aircraft availability.

“With the new PBL, the contractor is also incentivized to contribute to an ‘aircraft availability’ metric.”

“With the opportunity to use an agreed-upon database and proven data analytics toolset – the FCOE – we have the ability to measure the discreet level of how we can create aircraft availability.

 “For example, when we change the logistics posture, maintenance procedures, and supply response time for a gear box, we will also be able to demonstrate to the government that we generated a measurable amount of aircraft availability because we improved one part’s value stream.

 “Once we do that, we earn increased incentive on the contract in addition to meeting supply response times.”

In this interview, Garant provided an update on the how the CH-53E PBL works and how the relationship with the government is evolving in aircraft support. Garant highlighted that the public-private partnership between Sikorsky and the Fleet Readiness Center East Cherry Point is at the heart of the PBL’s evolution and success.

According to Garant:

“The Fleet Readiness Center East Cherry Point does half of the repairs, and the other half of the repairs are done at our overhaul and repair facility in Connecticut.

“There are two sources of repair, and we can fully leverage lessons learned and capacity from both.

“A clear measure of progress can be seen in the case of the main rotor head repairs where we have already demonstrated an improved repair turnaround time from over 1,100 days down to 270 days in the first year of performance.

This enhanced velocity will increase material availability, get ahead of fleet needs and drive down costs.

“The PBL contract is being expanded to include ninety parts by early 2021.

“We are seeing more parts added while we are performing ahead of metric ‘ramp-up.’  We are already performing two years ahead of supply response time improvement thresholds.”

A key challenge is to manage a cold supply chain for a legacy platform like the CH-53E.

With PBL, one can generate a more realistic demand side projection and then reach out to the supply chain and provide more stable projections of demand.

With a five-year PBL contract, and by bringing in “big-data” analytics to bear, Sikorsky can work with the suppliers to come up with a realistic forecast and long-term approach to deliver the parts likely to be needed.

This is obviously important always, but in a situation like COVID-19 having stable demand projections is crucial for industry to determine how best to meet demand.

According to Garant, “we are also pursuing smarter repairs.

“We are focusing on subcomponent performances and based on those judgments informed by data analytics can determine how better manage the repair schedules for the major parts.”

By shaping the PBL process, the new digital aircraft is able to expand and accelerate the envelope of effective logistics support and management.

As Garant put it: “The digital capabilities become a greater opportunity within the PBL process. We’re going to leverage the digital aircraft throughout the value stream right from the moment when the signal is more accurately captured and diagnosed on the aircraft, and it helps shape smarter maintenance packages for the Marines.

“The whole maintenance department will have much improved tools with a connected and digital maintenance work-space which will help with improved troubleshooting and maintenance with the data coming off the aircraft.”

“The data coming off the K is an order of magnitude more actionable information and quicker than it is on the E – by at least tenfold.  In effect, the digital flows are enabling a better PBL by empowering a rapid journey from reactive to planned and predictive maintenance.”

Garant concluded: “We are taking the lessons learned from the legacy aircraft and shaping a way ahead with regard to the next support structure.

“But clearly, you don’t want to take a legacy program and try to force a model on it that they never were designed for nor grew up with.

“What you’re going to do on the K is, it’s going to be born right out of the gate with a better process and the opportunity to leverage the digital systems of the new smart aircraft to reduce life-cycle costs while ensuring operational availability and mission reliability for all CH-53K customers.”

A Next Generation Helicopter and Sustainability: The Case of the CH-53K

For my assessment of why a 21st century designed and built digital aircraft with the kind maintainability which Garant discussed affects procurement choices, see my article on the German options in picking a medium left, legacy helicopter of the CH-53K heavy lift helicopter for their modernization strategy:

German Platform Decisions: CH-53K versus the Chinook









FCAS, Networks and Platform Choices: Implications for Airborne SIGINT


By Robbin Laird

The Germans had a clear opportunity to acquire F-35s as their Tornado replacement aircraft and chose not to do so.

Unlike other Tornado users, namely, Britain and Italy, the F-35 was put aside in favor of a new Eurofighter replacement option known as the Future Combat Air System.

This created a gap on the nuclear mission side of the ledger, because Tornado is the aircraft currently configured to execute Germany’s nuclear mission.

I will deal with that platform replacement option in the next article in this series.

Virtually all of the press has focused on the new combat aircraft to replace the French Rafale, and the German Eurofighter.

The Merkel government has gone out of its way to emphasize the importance of this program and solidarity with France in pursuing the program.

Whatever this new combat aircraft will be when it flies later in the decade, the approach signed on to by the German government is much more ambitious than that of a new combat aircraft: it is about building the networked force, while the United States and a number of allies are now pursuing a kill web enabled integrated distributed force.

Airbus Defence and Space  has a major role in the Future Combat Air System or FCAS, precisely revolving around working the integrated, networked air combat force and the ability to work manned and unmanned aircraft in coordinated operations.

For example, in an interview which I did during the International Fighter Conference held in Berlin in November 2019 with Bruno Fichefeux, Head of FCAS for Airbus Defence and Space:

“He argued that there were two ways in which Airbus Defence and Space was addressing the opportunities within and eternal to the FCAS program.

“First, for each of its key platforms such as tanker and A400M, they were shaping road maps for the development of the platforms which highlighted ways to enhance their capabilities within an integrated and connected battlespace.

“Second, they are shaping technology streams which are designed to deal with the different challenges within manned-unmanned teaming.”

This is an interesting approach but the networks will not be built de novo.

They will leverage current and evolving networks, plus building new wave forms.

Certainly platforms, wave forms and networks are not the same thing, so that any build out of force capabilities by the FCAS partners will have to work with the platforms they have, or they will buy, or they will develop.

And because the kill web networks being built are platform agnostic, the focus of FCAS surely cannot be to exclude non-French or non-German platforms that they might buy, or the need to deal with the platforms entering or operating in Europe, which are not simply built by the French and the Germans.

With the launch of the first phase of FCAS, the German and French governments indicated that Airbus will work with Thales on shaping a combat cloud capability for the FCAS system, but funded at a very restricted level.

As Pierre Tran noted in an article published earlier this year:

Thales welcomed the French and German launch of a technology demonstrator for a Future Combat Air System, with the electronics company winning a key role, Patrice Caine, chairman and chief executive, said Feb. 26, 2020.

Thales will partner with prime contractor Airbus on work on the “combat cloud,” one of the five key work areas on FCAS, he told a news conference on 2019 financial results.

Launch of the demonstrator program was “great news for Europe,” he said.

“This is a great agreement… with a significant role” for Thales.

The combat cloud is intended to provide an extensive network of communications and command to link up a next generation fighter, remote carrier drones, and other elements in the combat air system.

An initial budget of €14.5 million ($16 million) has been set for work on that combat cloud, news agency AFP reported, specialist publication Journal de l’Aviation said Feb. 20.

Some €91 million has been earmarked for initial work on the new fighter jet, led by Dassault Aviation as prime contractor and Airbus as partner.

Studies for a new fighter engine, led by prime contractor Safran and its partner MTU, will receive an initial €18 million.

Prime contractor Airbus and partner MBDA will receive an initial €19.5 million for work on remote carriers, which are intended to penetrate enemy air defense in the first wave and support manned fighter jets.

Some €6 million is earmarked for overall management and simulation. Funding of €4 billion to 2025 is expected, with a total of €8 billion by 2030, AFP reported.

As I noted in an article on the key question of how the FCAS combat cloud will fit into a world of a fifth generation enabled combat force, and the spread of 5G technologies, I underscored: “while all the analyses of the FCAS approach have focused on its launch or its feasibility in terms of the capability of France and Germany to actual build such a program, there is another key aspect: how will the FCAS combat cloud come to terms with the two 5s – fifth generation in the defense domain and 5G in the commercial domain.”

To an outside observer, this should mean that Airbus Defence and Space is keen to work manned-unmanned teaming, data integration, mission integration, and “combat cloud networking.”

This is exactly what the German sovereign SIGINT system ISIS built by Airbus to fly on the PEGASUS represents.

On PEGASUS, the Bundeswehr has invested significant funding under the SLWÜA program to mature Airbus Defence and Space unique SIGINT payload.

Specifically, Airbus has developed the ISIS-Airborne SIGINT Mission system along with it’s subcontractor Hensoldt; the ISIS-Ground C2 System and would provide support to the program in terms of modernization, training systems, flight line support equipment and engage in the combat learning process associated airborne remotely piloted software upgrades.

Airbus designed the ISIS system to integrate uniquely on a HALE platform such as Global Hawk or Triton.

The NATO SATURN wave form would be used to work the EW links from aircraft to the ISIS-G where mission payload operators would configure the EW Network with all EW C2 occurring in ISIS

In other words, rather than waiting for a decade from now, Airbus could have an operational system for the German government onboard an operating HALE system.

With the additional advantage of co-learning with the US Navy, Triton will be the US Navy’s mainstay SIGINT asset replacing the EP-3 and will be operated at Sigonella where AGS currently operates from.

Cross-learning is clearly available and this cross learning is crucial as Triton is shifting the Navy from a sortie generation ops mentality to a global orbital con-ops approach.

This clearly is a learning process for operators, network operations and data management with deliver to the right place at the right time to make the best decision.

If FCAS is to be more than briefing slides, combat learning in the near term needs to drive the networked enabled force. Operating PEGASUS with an Airbus payload provides precisely that.

When the decision on AGS was first modified, the concept was that there would be a variant of Global Hawk and a manned variant built around an A-321. The reasons for not building a manned variant of AGS still hold today; the remotely piloted options is a better one in terms of area wide surveillance, data generation and transmission to ground, air or surface platforms or data centers or ISR exploitation sites for rapid decision making.

Since the German government has committed itself to FCAS and manned-unmanned teaming in a cloud-based system is seen as part of that effort, the future is now in terms of down-selecting a cloud-based remotely piloted aircraft able to team with manned systems.

Choosing the Global 6000 provides less persistent coverage, and less radius of operations and reduced data collection.

It also is not moving you down the FCAS path.

Joint Carier Ops in South China Sea

USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), and USS Nimitz (CVN 68) continue dual carrier operations.

Ronald Reagan, the flagship of Carrier Strike Group 5, provides a combat-ready force that protects and defends the United States, as well as the collective maritime interests of its allies and partners in the Indo-Pacific region.



Video by Petty Officer 3rd Class Gabriel Martinez


The CMV-22B Comes to the Large Deck Carrier


The video shows the arrival of the first CMV-22B at Naval Station North Island.

The first CMV-22B Osprey assigned to Fleet Logistics Multi-Mission Squadron (VRM) 30 prepares to land at Naval Air Station North Island. VRM 30 was established in late 2018 to begin the Navy’s transition from the C-2A Greyhound, which has provided logistics support to aircraft carriers for four decades, to the CMV-22B, which has an increased operational range, greater cargo capacity, faster cargo loading/unloading, increased survivability and enhanced beyond-line-of-sight communications compared to the C-2A.

The CMV-22B is no more a replacement for the C-2 Greyhound, than the MV-22 was for the CH-46.  The MV-22 covered the functions of the CH-46 for the Marine Corps but represented a disruptive change which has transformed the USMC and its operations.

The CMV-22 will provide the functionality of the C-2 for the carrier strike group but is entering the carrier strike group at a time of profound change, and it will contribute to it.

As we noted in an earlier article:

When I met with Vice Admiral Miller, the Navy Air Boss in February of this year, we discussed how the carrier strike group was moving from what might be referred to as the integrated air wing to the integratable air wing. In that interview, Vice Admiral Miller highlighted how the Navy was looking at the coming of the Osprey. It is a different aircraft, and the question will be as it operates effectively in its logistics mission, what other contributions might it make to the fleet?

So how should the Navy operate, modernize, and leverage its Ospreys?

For Miller, the initial task is to get the Osprey onboard the carrier and integrated with CVW operations. But while doing so, it is important to focus on how the Osprey working within the CVW can provide a more integrated force.

“Vice Admiral Miller and his team are looking for the first five-year period in operating the CMV-22 for the Navy to think through the role of the Osprey as a transformative force, rather than simply being a new asset onboard a carrier. Such an approach is embedded in the rethink from operating and training an integrated air wing to an integratable air wing.”

A measure of the change from the C-2 to the CMV-22B is that the Naval Aviation Warfare Development Center at Fallon Naval Air Station is already anticipating the arrival of the CMV-22B within the fleet and are looking within their focus on training the integratable air wing to the coming of the new aircraft. To be clear, the C-2 has never been part of NAWDC or its predecessors.

I had the chance to see the CMV-22B at the reveal ceremony held in Amarillo, Texas on February 7, 2020 where I first met Capt. Dewon “Chainsaw” Chaney, the Commander of COMVRMWING (or Fleet Logistics Multi-Mission Wing), and most recently I visited his command in North Island, San Diego on July 13, 2020.

As Captain Chaney put it in his address to the audience at the reveal ceremony in February 2020: “CMV-22s will operate from all aircraft carriers providing a significant range increase for operations from the Sea Bases enabling Combatant Commanders to exercise increased flexibility and options for warfare dominance.

“If you’re in a fight, it’s always good to have options! Every month following the first initial deployment, there will be a CMV-22 detachment operating with a US aircraft carrier somewhere in the world.”

During my visit to North Island in July 2020, I had a chance to discuss the way ahead with “Chainsaw” for his command in terms of putting the Osprey squadrons in place.  

The first squadron VRM-30 was stood up prior to the creation of the Wing and its first aircraft arrived in June 2020.   Captain Chaney then noted that this October, the fleet replacement squadron, VRM-50, will be stood up. It will take this squadron two years until they will be able to train new pilots.

The counterpart to VRM-30 will be VRM-40 but all three squadrons will be under the COMVRMWING. The third squadron will be based on the East Coast.

Captain Chaney concluded: “I do believe that the Navy is really going to appreciate the capabilities that the CMV-22 is going to bring to the strike group, and they’re going to want it to do more.”

Video credit:


Video by Petty Officer 1st Class Timothy Wilson 

Commander, Naval Air Forces


Australian Industry Supports Virtual Pitch Black 2020 Exercise

By Australian Defence Business Review

Following the cancellation of its largest biennial air defence exercise – Exercise Pitch Black 2020 – because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the RAAF recently conducted a Virtual Pitch Black 2020 (VPB20) in order to at least partly meet its training objectives for the year.

The virtual and constructive exercise was a series of tailored and targeted training conducted by the ADF’s Air Warfare Centre’s Distributed Training Centre (AWC-DTC) with the support of key industry players such as PLEXSYS Australia, Raytheon Australia, MilSkil, Nova Systems, and Skildare with a suite of training products and systems to provide realistic scenarios.

A Defence release says the AWC-DTC provides the software, hardware and, with J7 Joint Collective Training Branch (the former ADF Simulation Training Centre), the connectivity to enable distributed mission training in the synthetic environment. It says the AWC-DTC has evolved with improved distributed planning, briefing, execution and debrief over a mix of Defence Training and Experimentation Network (DTEN) and Enterprise DSN UC.

“PLEXSYS is pleased to have been a partner in this important exercise, which helps ensure the RAAF remains ready to respond whenever the Australian Government requires,” PLEXSYS Australia Director, Robert Miller said in a company statement. “Bringing our flagship product – ASCOT-7 – to the warfighter, is both exhilarating and humbling.”

Training audiences were located at both RAAF Bases Williamtown and Amberley, and some of the RAAF’s simulators – including 36SQN’s C-17A simulator at Amberley, and 2SQN’s E-7A simulator and 41WG’s ground-based C2 element at Williamtown – were successfully networked to provide realistic joint-force scenarios.

“36SQN pilots have gained valuable experience being involved in VPB20, in particular being involved with integrated planning and execution with C2 and fast jet communities,” FLTLT Tim Smith, a C-17 pilot said in a Defence release. “We have limited opportunities to be involved in this type of integrated exercise, especially now given the ongoing impacts of COVID, so participation in VPB has been a rewarding experience for our crews.”

VBP20 lead planner SQNLDR Alexander Cave said, ”When Exercise Pitch Black 20 was cancelled, we seized the opportunity to tailor the virtual exercise to meet training objectives beyond the live exercise. Traditionally, this exercise provides a training platform as a work up but with no live exercise this year, the virtual space was critical for aircrew learning outcomes.

“Air Force, through the Air Warfare Centre, is investing in the Advanced Training and Test Environment [ATTE],” SQNLDR Cave added. “The next generation platforms being acquired bring with them advanced capabilities and the ability to create effects across multiple domains. The ATTE will enable the training, test and experimentation activities that need to occur to maximise the effectiveness of these capabilities in live, synthetic and blended environments.”

The AWC Exercise Control capability was provided by Raytheon Australia which utilised the services of MilSkil, Nova Systems, and Skildare – all of which are small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) founded and managed by former RAAF pilots.

This article was published by ADBR on July 30, 2020.


An Update on the Japanese Defense Budget, 2020


The Japanese are reworking their defense capabilities to provide for enhanced perimeter defense.

We projected this trajectory for Japanese defense policy in our book on Pacific defense published in 2013.

According to the preface to the Japanese Ministry of Defence’s overview of the way ahead for its defense programs:

Japan will steadily improve its defense capabilities as the second year of the “Medium Term Defense Program (JFY2019 – JFY2023)” (MTDP) (approved by the Cabinet on December 18, 2018) based on the “National Defense Program Guidelines for JFY2019 and beyond” (approved by the Cabinet on December 18, 2018) in order to build a truly effective defense capability, “Multi-Domain Defense Force”.

In order to realize cross-domain operations, the Self-Defense Forces (SDF) will acquire and strengthen capabilities in new domains, which are space, cyberspace and electromagnetic spectrum by focusing resources and leveraging Japan’s superb science and technology.

In addition, SDF will enhance capabilities in maritime and air domains, stand-off defense capability, comprehensive air and missile defense capability and maneuver and deployment capability to effectively respond to various situations during cross-domain operations in close combination with capabilities in new domains.

Furthermore, to be able to sustain a range of requisite activities at all stages from peacetime to armed contingencies, sustainability and resiliency of defense capability including logistics support will be enhanced.

Moreover, Japan will prioritize reinforcement of human resource base in the face of aging population with declining birth rates and technology base regarding advances in military technology, as well as strengthening Japan- U.S. Alliance and security cooperation with other countries in light of changes in security environment.

In order to adapt to increasingly rapid changes in security environment, Japan will strengthen its defense capability at speeds that are fundamentally different from the past. Japan will strengthen its defense capability effectively by allocating resources flexibly and intensively without adhering to existing budget and human resource allocation.

Furthermore, SDF will further promote joint-ness of the Ground, Maritime and Air Self-Defense Forces in all areas, avoid stove-piped approach and optimize their organizations and equipment.

Considering increasingly severe fiscal conditions and importance of other budgets related to people’s daily life, Japan will work to achieve greater efficiency and streamlining through various measures to streamline procurements while harmonizing with other policies and measures of the Government.

In our look at the Chinese military challenge and the approaches being taken interactively by Japan, the United States and Australia, the Japanese role was described as follows:

In our 2015 book on Pacific defense, a key part of the analysis revolved around the reshaping of Japan’s defense concept.

The Japanese concept for the dynamics of change was the need for a new “dynamic defense” concept in which the SDF was able to integrate much more effectively with new 21st century capabilities such as acquiring Ospreys, F-35s and rebuilding their Navy to be able to extend the perimeter of their defense beyond a narrow concept of homeland defense.

At the same time, the approach has been clearly constrained due to historical memories and experiences, but it is about shaping greater air land, maritime integration to provide for a “defense bubble” over the nation and one which can interoperate with its closest ally the United States, but also reach out to Australia in their mutually expanding relationship.

One of the key features of our appraoch was and continues to be how to leverage the new systems we are already bringing on line which allows us to expand our deterrence in depth capabilities.

There is way too much emphasis Inside the Beltway on hypothetical wartime futures, rather than taking a hard headed look at the full spectrum crisis management challenges facing us now and into the decade ahead and military capabilities be interlinked with appropriate allied and national political strategies.

To get the world in 2050 without domination by the authoritarian powers, we have to effectively engage in co-opetition with them in the decade ahead, and exercise the kind of military capabilities which empower political engagement and effective crisis management.

We argued in our 2103 book on Pacific strategy, that Japan would work to enhance its perimeter defense and move eventually towards what we called a two anchor appraoch.

We argued that expanded perimeter defense is a key part of what we referred to as the “dynamic defense” phase in Japanese policy.

We argued that “this meant greater reach of Japanese systems., better integration of those systems within the Japanese forces themselves, more investments in C2 and ISR, and a long-term strategy of reworking the U.S.-Japanese military relationship to have much greater reach and presence.

“The dynamic defense phase carries with it the seeds for the next phase — the shaping of a twin-anchor policy of having reach in the Arctic and the Indian Ocean.

“Obviously, such reach is beyond the capabilities of the Japanese themselves and requires close integration with the United States and other allies.

“And such reach requires much greater C2, ISR and weapons integration across the Japanese and allied force structure.”

In the graphic below, the box highlights the expanding perimeter of defense in which the defense bubble needs to operate.

But as they build out more effective forces, ones which are capable of integrability, they can enhance as well their capabilities to operate with allies in defending the Northern and Southern reaches of their defense concerns as well.,

An overview published by the Japanese Ministry of Defence to Japanese defense programs, 2020, can be read here:


Featured Photo: A V-22 Osprey aircraft bound for the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force based at Camp Kisarazu prepares to depart Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Iwakuni, Japan, July 6, 2020. The ferry flight from MCAS Iwakuni marked the delivery of the first V-22 to the Japan Self-Defense Force. US Marine Corps photo.