MISR, MINOTAUR and Training for the Maritime Kill Web


When I visited San Diego earlier this year, in my discussion with VADM Miller, he highlighted the importance of the coming of MISR to the fleet.

MISR officers are trained as ISR subject matter experts to operate at the fleet or CSG level and to work the sensor fusion for the integratable CVW. According to the Air Boss: “I think of MISR as additive, not lessening of TOPGUN, but instead akin to a new phase which builds upon our historical experience in the development of TOPGUN in the first place.”

In effect, these are “6th generation officers” in the sense of working the C2/ISR capabilities which enable an integrated and distributed fleet to have its maximum combat impact.

And in my discussions with Rear Admiral Peter Garvin, the head of the Maritime Patrol Enterprise, he highlighted the importance of MINOTAUR to the force as well.

According to Rear Admiral Garvin: “The Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance aviator of the future will be well versed in the synergy inherent in both manned and unmanned platforms.”

“The unblinking stare of a Triton enhances the Fleet Commander’s MDA and understanding of an adversary’s pattern-of-life by observing their movements in the optical and electromagnetic spectrum.”

“Moreover, Triton serves as a force multiplier and enabler for the P-8. Early in Triton program development, we embraced manned and unmanned teaming and saw it as a way to expand our reach and effectiveness in the maritime domain.”

“One key software capability which empowers integration is Minotaur.”

“The Minotaur Track Management and Mission Management system was developed in conjunction with the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. Minotaur was designed to integrate sensors and data into a comprehensive picture which allows multiple aircraft and vessels to share networked information.”

“It is basically a data fusion engine and like many software capabilities these days, doesn’t physically have to be present on a platform to be of use.”

“These capabilities ride on a Minotaur web where, if you are on the right network, you can access data from whatever terminal you happen to be on.

Recently, I had the chance to talk with CDR Pete “Two Times” Salvaggio, Naval Aviation Warfighting Development Center (NAWDC), Maritime ISR (MISR) Weapons School, Department Head (DH), MISR & EP-3E Weapons and Tactics Instructor (WTI).

The career of this officer spans the period prior to MISR, the creation of MISR and the maturation of the MISR and Minotaur initiatives, which are laying down the foundation for creating the 6th generation force alluded to earlier in the article.

What CDR Salvaggio described was a very creative and interactive process in which the Navy has been engaged with the other services and coalition partners in both reshaping and rethinking how the force operates and can operate going forward with the C2/ISR revolution underway.

He was trained as an EP-3 operator, and when he worked for then-Captain Garvin who at the time was CPRW-10, the goal was to cross link what EP-3s could do with the rest of the Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Force (MPRF), which at the time included P-3s, BAMS-D RQ-4s, and Tactical Operations Centers (TOCs), to prepare the grounds for the coming of the P-8/Triton dyad.

This initiative was combined with experiences in the land wars of Iraq and Afghanistan to lay the foundation for MISR.

What Two Times described was his experience in the Middle East working with the CENTAF Combined Air Operations Center (CAOC) as part of the USMC’s 3rd MEF operations in RC-South West as the EP-3E Detachment Officer in Charge (OIC).

Lessons from those operations on how the Marines were dynamically integrating ISR feeds into the ground maneuver element set the initial foundation.

With an ISR officer on the ground responsible for shaping the knowledge base for informing ground maneuver, it was obvious to Two Times and his senior officers that the Navy needed just such an approach in the years to come.

We have argued that with regard to the Land Wars, the challenge was “to harvest the best and leave the rest,” and clearly learning from the successes of ISR integration into 3rd MEF’s operations, the Marines provided a lead into a major shift in the Navy which began to embrace the concept of deploying ISR integrators within the fleet to assist in shaping the knowledge base for the distributed maritime force.

MISR prides itself in being both platform and sensor agnostic, along with employing an effects-based tasking and tactics approach that allows for shaping the ISR domain knowledge which a task force or fleet needs to be fully combat effective.

What is most impressive is that CDR Salvaggio has been present at the creation and is a key part of shaping the way ahead in a time of significant change in what the fleet is being asked to do in both a joint and coalition operational environment.

And NAWDC clearly reflects and embodies this change.

Over the past six years, NAWDC has gone from traditional CSG integration, to embedding the surface and subsurface weapons schools, to evolving a new approach to working the platform training side of NAWDC to embrace the shift to the integratable air wing, to standing up two new weapons schools which are kill web oriented, not platform oriented.

The first school was highlighted in the interview with CDR Joseph “Smokin’ Joe” Fraser, head of the Information Warfare Directorate, which has been designated the executive agent for targeting for the United States Navy.

The second school is the MISR weapons school. And to be clear, these are not simply layering on top of platform training schools; they are part of the cross-training which goes on within NAWDC.

But not just NAWDC, for working with the USAF and the USMC, as well as with our closest coalition partners, is crucial for shaping a way ahead.

CDR Salvaggio underscored that one of his responsibilities at NAWDC is working the only ISR exercise conducted in the United States, one which includes those allies.

The exercise is called RESOLUTE HUNTER and is jointly sponsored by NAWDC and the USAF’s Air Combat Command. Notably, the Marines are becoming involved in RESOLUTE HUNTER as well. The trajectory for working the ISR/C2 enablement of the integrated distributed force is clearly evident.

Editors’ Note: This article was published by the Air National Guard on November 1, 2019 about the Resolute Hunter exercise.

High Rollers Fly with Navy during Resolute Hunter Exercise

By Senior Master Sgt. Paula Macomber, 152 Airlift Wing, Nov. 1, 2019

FALLON, Nev. – The 192nd Airlift Squadron participated in Exercise Resolute Hunter joint training at the Naval Air Station Fallon Range Training Complex Oct. 21-25. The Naval Air Station Fallon and Naval Aviation Warfighting Development Center are the Navy’s premier Weapon Tactics Instructor schools.

“This range complex has some of the most advanced enemy threat emitters in the world,” said Maj. Kyle Carraher, a pilot with the 192nd Airlift Squadron out of Reno, “and the training is as realistic as you can get. We want to bolster our relationship with the entities in Fallon so we can train smarter and more effectively. This is an extraordinary opportunity to support their objectives while meeting our internal training requirements.”

The training complex encompasses NAS Fallon and nearby range training areas, Bureau of Land Management rights-of-way and 13,000 square miles of special use airspace.

This exercise enhances the joint cooperation among many entities, not limited to the Air National Guard and the Navy.

“The relationship with NAS Fallon really benefits everyone connected to these airplanes on base, Carraher said. “I say this because future operations rely on joint interoperability, and joint interoperability is only going to happen if we train together. The relationships we build result with the other branches of services increased ability to support the joint fight.

The 192nd logged 25.3 flying hours, accomplished 614 training events and more than 25 radar threat reactions and dropped four low-cost low altitude bundles. They also flew three mission commander/lead upgrade rides, two pilot-checkout-course upgrade flights and a one-time no-notice pilot mission check ride. They were also able to execute a C-130H and C-130J interfly with the California Air National Guard out of Channel Islands, California.

“Channel Islands is our sister unit in the modular airborne firefighting system mission due to their close proximity in response to wildland fires,” said Carraher. “We have a great working relationship with their unit, and C-130H and C-130J interfly is an invaluable skill to develop. The airframes share many similarities, but the intricacies of flying in formation are challenging.”

There were 4,500 people supporting the exercise with 12 different airframes.

“It really boils down to communication, Carraher said. “Simple things like ‘shorthand’ or ‘lingo’ between services does not always translate to clear communication, and this is exactly why we train together, so we can identify impediments to accomplishing the mission in training so we can execute the mission in the real world.

The featured photo comes from the home page of NAWDC as does the following graphic:


Dutch Forces in Lithuania

A Royal Netherlands Army mobile artillery unit assigned to NATO’s enhanced Forward Presence Battlegroup in Lithuania recently had a chance to fire their guns for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. The Panzer Howitzer 2000-NL self-propelled guns were used to conduct a live-fire exercise at Pabradė Training Grounds alongside their Lithuanian counterparts.

With their ability to “shoot and scoot” – conduct fire missions and then quickly move to cover – mobile artillery plays a crucial role in many Allied militaries.

For this exercise, forward observers from Germany and Norway helped coordinate the strikes.

Footage includes shots of Panzer Howitzers from the Netherlands and Lithuania firing and moving, as well as interviews with Dutch and Lithuanian artillery commanders.




Rafale Comes to the Indian Air Force: A Game Changer


By Air Marshal (Retd.) Anil Chopra

New Delhi. With war clouds on the Ladakh horizon, Indian Air Force (IAF) has received five Rafale combat jets, arriving at their Ambala airbase July 29.

IAF has already conveyed that the pilots are already fully trained and ready for any designated operational roles although a few days or weeks should be ideal for the pilots who flew the aircraft to India or have otherwise arrived after training in multirole operations both on simulators and onboard aircraft on simulated war conditions. Weapons for the weapons for the aircraft are already in India, and can be loaded swiftly as the software integration is preprogrammed for typically IAF requirements. The airbase infrastructure is operational and so are the technical facilities and administrative arrangements.

Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria and Western Air Command C-in-C Air Marshal B Suresh welcomed the aircraft, led by Gp Capt Harkirat Singh, the Commanding Officer (CO) of the resurrected Golden Arrows Squadron 17.

Four pilots flew two twin seater Rafales, and three others the three single seaters. The aircraft were looked after by the French Air Force Armee de l’air up to UAE’s Al Dhafra airbase, and after that by IAF’s Su 30 MKIs. Midair refuelling was conducted on the France-UAE and UAE-India flights.

The Rafale Package 

The 36 contracted aircraft include 28 single-seat and 8 dual-seat aircraft. The deal includes tailor-made enhancements for the IAF, a weapons package, and a performance-based logistics agreement.

The contracted weapons include MICA and Meteor Beyond Visual Range (BVR) air-to-air missiles and SCALP air-to-ground cruise missiles, as well as the Hammer, a French Safran’s Air to Ground precision missile.

The nearly dozen India-specific enhancements include the integration of an Israeli helmet-mounted display (HMD), radar warning receivers and low-band jammers. According to the deal, the delivery of the jets is to be completed in 67 months from the date the contract was inked. As per the schedule in the contract, the first aircraft was to be delivered in September 2019. Acceptance of an aircraft from the manufacturer involves physical check of ‘Standard of Preparation’, which includes every bit on board the aircraft, check of all supporting certification and maintenance documents, and flight testing the aircraft. An Indian team of flight test pilots and engineers was in France for this purpose, and training.

All activities have been on schedule on delivery count. All 36 jets are to be delivered by 2022.

Training in France

Normally, very professionally good personnel are chosen for training abroad. These personnel later become the nuclei for training the others in India. Training for IAF personnel included flying training for IAF pilots and technical training for engineers and technicians. Pilots have gone through full training on the operational systems and weapons exploitation. These France trained Indian pilots flew the aircraft to India.

IAF has acknowledged that the pilots, engineers and technical personnel have achieved operational training status.

Ferry To India

The aircraft departed from Bordeaux Merignac airfield on 27 July.

The 5 aircraft were accompanied by a large C 17 transport aircraft, carrying engineers, technicians and spare parts for technical support through the ferry. The plan was to have a single stop en route, at Al Dhafra airbase, Abu Dhabi. After two days or rest and turnaround time, the Rafales flew directly to Ambala.

Indian Navy warships on patrols in the region between India and the Gulf were the first to welcome the Rafales in the Indian Ocean. IAF and Navy was deployed in strength to ensure the safety of the aircraft and two IAF Su 30 MKIs

Squadron Formation

The 17 squadron ‘Golden Arrows’ which was ‘number-plated’ in 2016 was resurrected on 10 September 2019 at Ambala. This is the first Rafale squadron.

Interestingly, Air Chief Marshal BS Dhanoa had commanded this squadron during the Kargil war. Pilots trained abroad are being posted to this squadron, and they will also be the core group to formulate Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), tactics and weapon system exploitation for fleet operations in India. Engineers and technicians will formulate maintenance SOPs. This core group would also split into two to form the second Rafale squadron at Hashimara in the east a year later.

Station Infrastructure

Ambala was the mother base to the initial induction of Jaguars and MiG 21 Bison aircraft, among others. The airbase is nearly 200 km from India’s Western border, and by distance it mirrors Pakistan’s most important airbase of Sargoda. This distance gives enough depth and yet is near enough to launch offensive missions across western border.

Interestingly it is also just 200 km from the China border and the location supports missions against China. The Chinese airbase at Ngari Gar Gunsa opposite Leh is a little over 300 km from Ambala. China is in news these days because of its attacks on Indian troops along the Line of Control and resultant fatalities on both the sides.

Infrastructure at Ambala airbase, to house the Rafales, has been coming up for some time. Specific-to-type blast pens, technical infrastructure including avionics and electronic warfare systems laboratories, weapon preparation areas etc., have been built or re-appropriated. Specific flight safety requirements have been dove-tailed into the Station plan. The Rafale simulator and the type-training TETTRA school is coming up there. Facilities for engine test-bench may be required.

Later similar infrastructure will come up at Hashimara, which is a base near critical areas of Sikkim, Bhutan and Arunachal. The programme is to keep one Squadron each of the Rafales at the two airbases.

Rafale – the Weapon Platform

Rafale is a twin-engine, delta-wing, 4th plus generation fighter with semi-stealth capabilities. It is an agile aircraft and capable of simultaneously packaging and conducting air superiority, interdiction, reconnaissance, and airborne nuclear deterrent missions, with fire and forget capability, enabling a pilot to easy move from one mission to another.

The aerodynamically unstable aircraft uses digital fly-by-wire flight controls. The actively coupled canard wing allows high manoeuvrability. The aircraft is designed for reduced radar cross-section (RCS) and infra-red signature. There is extensive use of composite materials. The glass cockpit is designed around the principle of data fusion. A central computer prioritizes information to display to pilots for simpler command and control.

The Rafale is fitted with two Snecma M88 engines, each capable of providing up to 50 kilo-Newton (kN) of dry thrust and 75 kN with afterburners. The engines feature several advances, including a non-polluting combustion chamber, single-crystal turbine blades, and powder metallurgy disks, and technology to reduce radar and infrared signatures. The engine is of a modular design for ease of maintenance and upgrades. A thrust vectoring variant of the engine designated as M88-3D is also under development.

The Rafale also features an advanced avionics suite. The total value of the radar, electronic communications and self-protection equipment is about 30% of the cost of the entire aircraft.

The aircraft’s RBE2 AA active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar has been fully tested operationally. It has a field of regard of 70° on either side of the aircraft axis, and extended range capabilities supporting low-observable target detection. Its SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) imaging and improved resistance to jamming. Rafale makes extensive use of radar-absorbent materials (RAM). The SPECTRA integrated electronic warfare suite provides long-range detection, identification and accurate localization of infrared homing, radio-frequency and laser threats. The system incorporates radar warning receiver, laser-warning, Missile Approach Warning (MAW) for threat detection plus a phased array radar jammer and a decoy dispenser for threat countering. It also includes a dedicated management unit for data fusion and reaction decision. The Thales/SAGEM Optronique Secteur Frontal Infra-Red Search and Track (IRST) system uses a narrow field for tracking air targets at ranges up to 100 kilometers. A TV/IR sensor for target identification (40 km range) including laser rangefinder.

Notably, IRST was an IAF-specific requirement, included in the 2007 tender for 126 Medium Multi Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCAs).

A host of latest weapons would also get inducted. The aircraft has a 30 mm cannon with 125 rounds. The 14 hard-points can carry 9,500 kg external loads. The air-to-air missiles include MBDA MICA IR or EM, and MBDA Meteor.

Meteor is an active radar guided, beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM). Meteor offers multi-shot capability against long range maneuvering targets, jets, UAVs and cruise missiles in a heavy electronic countermeasures (ECM) environment with range well in excess of 150 kilometers. The no-escape zone of over 60 km is the largest among air-to-air missiles according to the manufacturing company, Dassault.

A solid-fueled ramjet motor allows the missile to cruise at a speed of over Mach 4. Among the host of air-to-ground weapons is MBDA Storm Shadow/SCALP-EG cruise missile with 450 kg warhead and 560 km range. The aircraft has been used in combat in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Mali and Syria, proving new levels of technology.

Based on the Mirage-2000 experience, it is likely to have a much higher serviceability, low turn-around time, and high mission accomplishment rate. There is already a proposal to acquire (On fast track) the HAMMER (Highly Agile Modular Munition Extended Range) Air-to-Ground Modular Weapon (AASM) made by Safran, and already integrated in Rafale’s software.

AASM comprises a frontal guidance kit and a rear-mounted range extension kit matched to a dumb bomb. The basic version features a 250-kilogram bomb. There are also versions with 125, 500 or 1,000-kilogram bomb bodies. Typically the weapon has a range of around 60 km.

Operational Preparation and Deployment

It shall be the endeavour of IAF to quickly make the fleet fully operational, and they will start flying operational missions along with the radar controllers, typically to hone their weapon delivery skills in different terrains. Then, they will begin evolving Dissimilar Air Combat Tactics (DACT) with other fleets.

Rafales will fly mixed formation missions in realistic war-like scenarios. They will fly network-centric missions in different roles, including air strikes, air-defence and electronic support roles. They will also take part in inter-service joint exercises. They would also fly coordinated missions with strategic assets like air-refueler and AWACS.

In view of the stand-off with China, the normal time frame for fleet operationalisation of 4-6 months would now be compressed to maybe 1-2 months. The French companies have worked closely with IAF for decades on the Mirage 2000 fleet which continues to be the weapon platform of choice for IAF. Rafale operationalisation may therefore take much lesser time.

Compared To Other Aircraft in the Region

Among the main Chinese fighters is the Chengdu J 10 which is essentially a modified Israeli “Lavi” aircraft, which itself was derived from the American F 16 base model. It can best be considered equivalent to the F 16 A/B. China has over 400 of these, although Chinese engineers have also stolen tech from the Pakistani F 16s.

The J 10 can carry the PL 12 BVR missile with a range of 70-100 km.

The Shenyang J-11 is a Chinese copy of the Soviet Union’s Su 27. It also carries the PL 12 missile. It is much inferior to the Indian Su 30 MKI. China developed the Shenyang J 16 fighter based on the J 11B airframe, with modifications from the Russian Sukhoi Su-33MKK that was sold to China in 2000. They have around 130 of them.

They also carry the PL 12 and may carry the longer range PL 15 missile. The PL 15 may have range of around 150 km, though Chinese propaganda claims it has range in excess of 200 km.

China also has the Su 30 MKK which is similar to IAF’s Su-30 MKI.

Then there is just one squadron of Russian Su 35, which is a more advanced variant of the Su 30 MKK. Maybe they have bought it for reverse engineering and stealing its technology, of which it has been accused of by Russia. China’s latest fifth generation fighter J 20 is just entering service in small numbers and will take some time to be operational.

IAF’s combination of Rafale, Su 30 MKI, and upgraded Mirage 2000 and MiG 29 aircraft will be a formidable combination and challenge to PLAAF. In addition, the Jaguar, MiG 21 Bison and the indigenous LCA Mk1 make great fighter assets.

The Rafale clearly stands out to be much better and operationally tested fighter compared to all Chinese assets. The best aircraft with Pakistan is the F 16 Block 52 with its AMRAAM missile (120 km range). Most top end IAF fighters have an edge over this aircraft.

Rafale is the Game Changer 

Equipped with a wide range of weapons, the Rafale can perform air supremacy, interdiction, aerial reconnaissance, deep ground strike, anti-ship strike and nuclear deterrence missions. The Rafale is referred to as an “omnirole” aircraft by Dassault. The class and range of the AESA radar, IRST, avionics, fused data, stealth features, SPECTRA protection suit, and most importantly the weapons put it in a different class both on western and northern borders.

The Rafale is likely to maintain high availability and mission success rate.

However, as only 36 aircraft are being acquired, they make an odd figure as two squadrons actually require three aircraft more for each for training and reserve as per the established IAF squadron strength. Possibly, as has been done in the past, a follow-on order for another 36 could be given to make viable operational numbers.

There is a 50 percent Offsets clause in the Rafale contract, and part of that is already being fulfilled towards encouraging the Make-in-India requirements.

The Rafale, as Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said, will be a game changer in the region on many counts.

– The Author has been a pioneer of Mirage 2000 fleet and has watched the induction and operationalisation of a French fighter fleet closely.

This article was published by our partner India Strategic on July 29, 2020.

Also, see:

Indian Air Modernization Takes a Significant Step Forward: First Rafales Depart France for the Indian Air Force

Australians, Japanese and Americans Work Trilateral Passage Through Philippine Sea

By Lieutenant Tanalee Smith

Australia, Japan and the United States conducted a trilateral passage in the Philippine Sea en route to participate in Exercise Rim of the Pacific (Rimpac) in Hawaii.

The Australian Defence Force Joint Task Group was joined in the Philippine Sea this week by the USS Ronald ReaganCarrier Strike Group, which includes the guided-missile cruiser USS Antietam and guided-missile destroyer USS Mustin, and Japan’s Akizuki-class destroyer JS Teruzuki.

The deployment demonstrates Australia’s enduring commitment to enhancing security, stability and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific, and increasing the capability and interoperability of the ADF.

The three days of activities included replenishments at sea, aviation operations, maritime manoeuvres and communications drills.

Commander of the Australian Joint Task Group, Commodore Michael Harris, said the opportunity to work alongside Japan and the United States was invaluable.

“The combined activities between our navies demonstrates a high degree of interoperability and capability between Australia, Japan and the United States,” Commodore Harris said.

Officers and sailors on the upper decks of Canberra admired the maritime and aerial display as the ships separated.

“We’re very lucky to be out here, working as a united task group,” said Petty Officer physical training instructor Shane Murphy.

“I’m proud to be part of it.”

Captain Caldwell, Commanding Officer USS Antietam, said the passage demonstrated shared commitment to regional stability.

“The relationships we’ve developed enable us to meet at sea and immediately operate at an advanced level. This highlights the enduring nature of our alliances with Japan and Australia,” Captain Caldwell said.

Captain Sakano Yusuke, Commander of Japan’s Escort Division 4, said strengthening cooperation with the US Navy and Royal Australian Navy was vitally important for Japan and contributed to a free and open Indo-Pacific region.

“The experience in this exercise will give us tactical and operational advantages and make our friendships stronger, in addition to our regular joint exercises with both like-minded navies,” Captain Sakano said.

HMA Ships CanberraHobartStuartArunta and Sirius left Darwin on July 5 to begin a regional deployment to South-East Asia and Hawaii.

This article was first published by the Department of Defence on July 24, 2020.

The featured photo: Ships from the RAN, US Navy and Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force sail in company through the Philippine Sea as aircraft from US Carrier Airwing 5 fly above. Photo: Leading Seaman Ernesto Sanchez

CH-53K Sea Trials: One Step Closer to First Deployment


Last month, the Marine Corps wrapped up its first sea trials with the new CH-53K King Stallion.

In an article by Megan Eckstein published by USNI News on June 25, 2020, the crossing of one of the “last big items on the to do list before the heavy lift helicopter program can turn the aircraft over to the fleet for operational tests and a 2023 first deployment” was highlighted.

She interviewed Col. Jack Perrin, the H-53 heavy lift helicopters program manager for Naval Air Systems Command.

Col. Jack Perrin, the H-53 heavy lift helicopters program manager for Naval Air Systems Command, told USNI News in a June 24 interview that the sea trials were meant to test all the ways the helicopter interfaces with a ship: communications while in flight, the ability to land on all nine spots on the flight deck in all weather and lighting conditions, the ability to be towed around the flight deck and hangar bay, the ability to be folded up and tied down, the ability to be maintained at sea and more.

The helicopter conducted two flight periods a day, one in daylight and one at night – taking off, with the pilots recording notes on the difficulty and safety of that particular evolution; flying a mile or so from the ship; flying back in the traditional landing pattern to attempt a landing; recording notes on that landing; and then the ship turning into a new wind condition for the process to start over again.

Though sea trials with some other programs have exposed problems that needed to be addressed through technical or procedural changes, “we were very fortunate; we did not find that big thing that was going to cause us risk or delay or a big technical issue. With this, we have now gone through this program and hit pretty much everything that they aircraft needs to do in order to deploy. We still have some more data to take, we have some tests to finish up, but we’ve been to every big thing,” Perrin said.

“We’ve done the external loads, done the internal loads, we went out and did helicopter aerial refueling, and now we’ve gone to the ship and been out there and seen that. Our risk on this program, for the 53K not being able to go out and support that first deployment and get through [operational testing], is greatly reduced now because of the success we’ve had and the performance the aircraft has shown during this test and the test previous. So we’re pretty happy as a program.”

Perrin added:

“(With) operational test Marines out on the ship, with pilots in the cockpit, crew chiefs in the back of the helo and maintainers on the ship – all getting a sneak peak at how this helicopter compares to its predecessor.

“They now understand what it can do and what tactics, techniques and procedures, or TTPs, that they’re going to need to adjust from what we do with the 53E to how the 53K operates. So they are getting a complete heads start on having those tactics, techniques and procedures developed, so that when they go to the official IOT&E or initial operational test and evaluation, they’ve already been on the aircraft, they’ve already been flying the aircraft, they’ve already seen this,” he said.

“When they go out to the ship as part of the test – and they will go out to a ship as part of the IOT&E – they’re going to be running instead of learning at that time. They’re going to be executing. And that’s the key of an ITT or integrated test team, is that everybody gets to learn together.”

For another look at the CH-53K sea trials, see the following video as well:

We interviewed Col. Perrin earlier this year, and in that interview he highlighted the importance of the CH-53K for the Marine Corps.

In a visit to Pax River in January 2020, there was a chance to discuss the progress of the program with Colonel Jack Perrin Program Manager, PMA-261 H53 Heavy Lift Helicopters, US Naval Air Systems Command at Pax River Naval Air Station….

As Col. Perrin noted in our conversation: “The USMC has done many studies of distributed operations and throughout the analyses it is clear that heavy lift is an essential piece of the ability to do such operations.”

And not just any heavy lift – but heavy lift built around a digital architecture.

Clearly, the CH-53E being more than 30 years old is not built in such a manner; but the CH-53K is.

What this means is that the CH-53K “can operate and fight on the digital battlefield.”

And because the flight crew are enabled by the digital systems onboard, they can focus on the mission rather than focusing primarily on the mechanics of flying the aircraft. This will be crucial as the Marines shift to using unmanned systems more broadly than they do now.

For example, it is clearly a conceivable future that CH-53Ks would be flying a heavy lift operation with unmanned “mules” accompanying them. Such manned-unmanned teaming requires a lot of digital capability and bandwidth, a capability built into the CH-53K.

If one envisages the operational environment in distributed terms, this means that various types of sea bases, ranging from large deck carriers to various types of Maritime Sealift Command ships, along with expeditionary bases, or FARPs or FOBS, will need to be connected into a combined combat force.

To establish expeditionary bases, it is crucial to be able to set them up, operate and to leave such a base rapidly or in an expeditionary manner (sorry for the pun).

This will be virtually impossible to do without heavy lift, and vertical heavy lift, specifically.

Put in other terms, the new strategic environment requires new operating concepts; and in those operating concepts, the CH-53K provides significant requisite capabilities.

And this Marine Corps-Navy capability is suggestive of a broader set of considerations for the Army and the Air Force.

If Expeditionary Basing is crucial, certainly the CH-53K could provide capabilities for the Army and the Air Force, to compliment fixed wing lift aircraft.

And in many cases, only a vertical lift support capability will be able to do the job.

Remember the USAF flies the CV-22s and if they are part of the distributed fight and requiring expeditionary basing, it may be the case that such a base can be set up and sustained only by vertical heavy lift.

Both considerations, how to cross-operate across the seabase and the expeditionary base, and the question of whether vertical heavy lift is now becoming a strategic asset, will be dealt with in later pieces. 

But for now, the core point is simple – the K needs to come into the USMC-Navy team as soon as possible to enable the shift in concepts of operations required to deal with the new strategic environment.

And if the CH-53K became part of the joint team, the question of cost is very manageable.

By producing more aircraft, the cost curve comes down. And shaping a more effective cost curve is a significant challenge which the program is addressing.

For our archive of CH-53K stories, see the following:









Misawa Air Base: The USAF and JSADF Cooperation

According to a Japanese Ministry of Defence article published in July 2020, a recent exercise by the USAF and the JASDF was highlighted.

Misawa Air Base is the Koku-Jieitai (Japan Air Self-Defense Force)`s only air base operated jointly with the United States. The joint use started in 1958. Currently, there are 15 Koku-Jieitai (JASDF) air units stationed at the base, which is the home of Koku-Jieitai (JASDF) F-35A fighters and U.S. Air Force (USAF) F-16 fighters.

Taking advantage of the fact that it is a base for joint use with the U.S. Forces, the Koku-Jieitai (JASDF) makes constant efforts to improve interoperability, maintain and improve Japan-U.S. joint response capabilities, and promote mutual understanding and communication with the U.S. forces through various exercises and activities.

On June 22nd, 12 F-35A fighters of the 302nd Squadron, 3rd Air Wing, Northern Air Defense Force, Koku-Jieitai (JASDF) participated in an “Elephant Walk” conducted by the USAF’s 35th Fighter Wing at Misawa Air Base.

The “Elephant Walk” is a multiple military aircraft taxiing in close formation intended to check and demonstrate the capability for large scale aircraft employment.

Through this “Elephant Walk”, the two countries confirmed the strength of the Japan-U.S. Alliance and the positive relationship between the Koku-Jieitai (JASDF) and the USAF at Misawa Base.

Defender Europe 20

Lt. Gen. Christopher Cavoli, U.S. Army Europe Commanding General, Georgette Mosbacher, U.S. Ambassador to Poland, Mariusz Błaszczak, Minister of Defence for Poland and Polish Armed Forces General Commander, Jaroslaw Mika, observe a joint river crossing mission at Drawsko Pomorskie Training Area, Poland, June 17, 2020.

Exercise Allied Spirit, a DEFENDER-Europe 20 linked exercise, originally scheduled for May, takes place at Drawsko Pomorskie Training Area, Poland, June 15-19, 2020.

Approximately 6,000 U.S. and Polish Soldiers are taking part in the exercise.

The modified exercise will test a division-sized unit’s ability to conduct a deliberate water crossing, integrate with alliance capabilities, and establish a common intelligence operation picture.

The exercise, modified in response to COVID-19, operates in accordance with the guidance directed by DoD and host nations.

All U.S. Soldiers and civilians involved in the exercise completed a 14-day quarantine and were tested for COVID-19 upon arrival with additional health screenings if necessary.



Video by Richard Herman

Training Support Activity Europe

Maritime Remotes and Maritime Kill Webs: The Case of an Integrated Counter Mine Autonomous System


By Robbin Laird

During my recent visits to Jax Navy, Mayport, Fallon Naval Air Station and to North Island Naval Air Station, I had a chance to meet with a wide range of Navy officers focused on reshaping air-maritime capabilities to have a more effective and lethal combat force.

The re-shaping of the fleet into an integrated distributed force over the decade ahead, will see a new chapter written about the role of maritime remotes within the fleet as well.

The challenge will be to work through how the evolving sensor networks will inform C2, rather than overwhelm it. As solutions are worked, the way will be opened for new innovative ways to expand the contribution of sensors to enhancing the effectiveness, agility, lethality and survivability of the air-maritime combat force.

One way ahead with regard to the introduction of maritime remotes into the fleet could well be the introduction of autonomous mine detection and destruction systems introduced into the fleet.

The advantage of counter-mine autonomous package is rather straightforward: it can be deployed from a variety of ships in the fleet, rather than having to be managed by a specialized ship which will have to be present to execute the mission.

It is clear that the challenge of dealing with mines is a major one for any fleet, and that adversaries have focused on the use of mines as part of the package of capabilities which they are building and shaping to challenge the maritime forces of the United States and our allies.

As Greg Mapson has noted: “With China’s expansion into the South China Sea and its militarization of several reefs far from its shores, its minelaying forces have a more expansive role to play. The People’s Liberation Army Navy has a fleet of ships and conventional submarines with crews that are well practised, and indeed lauded, for their minelaying skills.

“They also possess very capable minelaying aircraft. The exercise demonstrated China’s commitment to mine warfare as a pillar of its naval strategy.

“Notwithstanding China’s potent capabilities in laying mines, many strategists wrongly believe they’ll be used in offensive operations, but they’re more versatile than that.

“One possible scenario is that China will use its growing mine stocks in a period of tension to further control access to areas surrounding its South China Sea claims by laying protective minefields—or even just claiming to.”

The threat is clear; the response less so.

There is significant interest and focus on shaping maritime remote capabilities in this area for sure.

And my discussions with Australian, British and US Naval officers has underscored the importance of leveraging new maritime remote capabilities as part of the solution set.

During my July visit to San Diego, I had a chance to view and be briefed on one approach to shaping a way ahead.

At the Trident Warrior 2020 exercise, I had a chance after landing from my visit to Fallon Naval Air Station, to visit the MARTAC team working their solution to the mine warfare challenge.

My colleague, George Galorisi, has introduced our readers and myself to the MARTAC solution as well as highlighting a number of ways in which maritime remotes can significantly enhance fleet capabilities and security.

In later articles, I will discuss with Galorisi his experience and thoughts on the way ahead in this area as well as more comprehensive look at my visit with the MARTAC at the end of their time at Trident Warrior.

Teledyne Technologies is the system integrator for the autonomous countermine systems carrier onboard MARTAC’s catamarans.

The team is using two key platforms carrier onboard the MANTAS which have significant operational experience in allied navies.

The first remote platform is SeaScout.

It is described the Teledyne Brown Engineering brochure as follows: “SeaScout is an advanced subsea imaging system designed for min hunting, change detection, and routine surveys of strategic ports and waterways. Founded on Kraken’s high-speed Synthetic Aperture Sonar Towfirsh and combined with ThayerMahan’s remote operations and communications system. SeaScout enables high resolution, real-time intelligence to mission planners over the horizon from both manned and unmanned platforms.”

The second remote platform is Pluto Plus.

It is described the Teledyne Brown Engineering brochure as follows: “Pluto Plus is a remote operated underwater vehicle (ROV) primarily used for heavy duty mine identification and mine disposal. PLUTO PLUS is capable of countermining missions in strong current and lack of visibility conditions, A smart combination of medium power high speed vehicle with the smallest communications capable and special purpose acoustic camera makes PLUATO PLUST the top mine hunting vehicle.”

My picture of the PLUTO PLUS at the Trident Warrior exercise can be seen below:

The two autonomous platforms operate from the MANTAS catamaran and the vessel can operate independently but is also connected to the host ship via data links which enables collaboration between the host ship and the autonomous counter mine vessel.

With regard to the MANTAS, the MARTAC web page describes it as follows:

“Maritime Tactical Systems, Inc. (MARTAC™) has patented a unique class of MANTAS™ next generation unmanned vessels. Our unmanned surface and hybrid vessels are accompanied with a robust Command and Control (C2) system known as TASKER™. Our MANTAS USV enables the coverage of open ocean and littoral waterways with extended on-station persistence capability. Our product line of unmanned vessels can range from 6′ (2m) to 50′ (15m) and capable of extreme high surface speeds.

“Our patented catamaran hull is suitable for surface, subsurface and unaided air drop operations.”

Together, the C2 links, the ROVs and the catamaran make up the mine hunting ecosystem.

A key focus of the program has been to build a system which can be operated from any ship with an 11 meter RHIB space onboard.

The system as well could easily fit into a transport helicopter to be brought to a fleet which would need the capability or have their capability enhanced as well.

Recently, I had a chance to talk about MARTAC and their approach to shaping a way ahead with their integrated systems for the U.S. and allied navies with the CEO of MARTAC, Bruce Hanson.

In a teleconference conducted on July 24, 2020, we discussed a number of issues.

A core theme in the discussion was how the MANTAS ecosystem could fit nicely into the evolved integrated distributed force.

Hanson underscored the variety of ways an autonomous maritime counter mine system can be deployed throughout the fleet, and the keen interest which allies have in the system as well.

My own experience, notably in Australia, has underscored that the counter-mine mission is of significant short to mid-term significance.

And with the OPV program on track, certainly Australia will be looking for such an autonomous counter mine capability as well,

It is clear as well that getting operational experience with remote systems is crucial to the way ahead.

It is not just about endless R and D; it is about getting operational experience with a novel system.

We have certainly seen that with Triton whereby the system is being deployed earlier than its IOC which led to the coining of the term EOC or early operational capability.

Perhaps this is a new way ahead for software defined and operated autonomous systems.

According to Hanson, the package which has been developed is available now and can enhance fleet capabilities in the near to mid-term.

With regard to the vessel, the history of the firm goes back to Hanson’s father he launched the catamaran innovations.

And according to Hanson, they recently found his father’s original work on autonomous maritime systems back to the 1960s, in which his father was using what would be considered a primitive IBM card system to operate the vessel. They found both his father’s original drawings and the original vessel to test the concepts.

During his own career, Hanson brought together design work from a colleague on high speed vessels with his own experience in aerospace.

The result was to build autonomous vessels and to then test those vessels and their ability to operate safely and effectively at sea.

Small vessels are exactly models of the bigger ones.

“We ran our six-foot boat on a wide variety of maritime environments and ran that T6 over 5000.”

“The product line we have now has its heritage from the six-foot ship and we have built out to a 70-foot length.

“And the boat you were on a 44-foot variant.”

Hanson underscored the working relationship with Teledyne Brown Engineering.

As Hanson described it, they had already done a first round of integration with regard to the MANTAS, but by partnering with Teledyne Brown Engineering they have been able to build a more effective integrated platform.

Teledyne Brown Engineering has engaged the global market to find off the shelf solutions which can deliver capability now and at low risk.

Hanson concluded with an explanation of how the MANTAS solution was quite unique.

“What this integrated platform is capable of doing is a single sortie mission.

“With a fairly small platform, and reduce the counter-mine task to be done in hours what used to take days.”

“The catamaran design is very stable and because you can drop it directly into the water you do not have to have a complicated crane system to get the ship in the water.

“This design means that we can operate from a wide variety of ships.

“The MANTAS itself is extremely light which means the payload goes up relative to vessel size.

“This allows us to be able to put more sensors on the vessel at one time and to integrate them onboard.

“We are very stable in a variety of sea states.

“The data that is collected onboard the vessel, gets interpreted for the anomalies back to the professionals onboard the fleet.”

In short, there is an interesting new option for the integrated distributed fleet which participated in this year’s Trident Warrior exercise.

The photo below shows Hanson aboard the vessel they brought to Trident Warrior before several of us went on the boat for a spin in the North San Diego Bay.

Bruce Hanson, Chairman & CEO, MARTAC

Mr. Hanson is a technology development executive who combines a unique blend of business acumen, perceptive entrepreneurial savvy and technical insight to create innovative solutions.  Prior to founding MARTAC, Mr. Hanson was a founder and CEO of The Software Specialists, Inc. (TSS), an aerospace corporation that provided sophisticated engineering services to major defense, aerospace and avionics companies. Most of this work involved state of the art communications, navigation, surveillance, inertial and control systems that are in service throughout the world.

Under Mr. Hanson’s direct leadership, TSS developed a number of innovate approaches to develop mission critical technology systems.  Mr. Hanson has a track record of converting innovative ideas into long-term income generating products supported by accomplished solution-based teams. His areas of expertise with advanced technology systems combine practical business operations with the development and implementation that span strategic planning and execution, business development, operations management, sales and revenue growth, cost, schedule and quality optimization and engineering.

Mr. Hanson has a deep passion for high performance vehicles of all kinds which led him to invest in, then design and build state of the art computer and control systems for the world’s fastest offshore racing boats. Bruce has been on the design team for some of the world’s most technologically advanced and powerful street cars.   This passion led to the formation of MARTAC which is the culmination of the years of aerospace experience coupled with the high-performance offshore powerboat technology.  This resulted in the development of the family of MANTAS Unmanned Surface and Undersea Vehicle platforms.

Bruce has been involved with a number of startups as part of the management team and as an investor.  Bruce’s background as an investor in startups gives him a keen sense of investor concerns in his approach to management. Bruce holds degrees in Physics, Mathematics and Master of Electrical Engineering attending SUNY Potsdam, Clarkson College and Binghamton University School of Engineering.


See also, the following:

Maritime Remotes and the Evolving Surface Fleet: An Element of the Integrated Distributed Force

Enhancing Expeditionary Logistics with Emerging Technology: The Impact of Unmanned Surface Vessels

Defeating “Weapons That Wait” With Unmanned Systems

The Australian Approach to Developing and Deploying Remotes Systems in the Maritime Environment: The Perspective of Cmdr. Paul Hornsby

Supporting Expeditionary Force Logistics with USV Technology

Shaping an Australian Navy Approach to Maritime Remotes, Artificial Intelligence and Combat Grids

The Navy-Marine Corps Team Looks to Unmanned Surface Vehicles to Enhance ISR Capabilities

