Arctic Edge Airborne Operation


Paratroopers from the Chaos Troop, 1st Squadron (Airborne), 40th Cavalry Regiment, participate in U.S. Northern Command’s Exercise Arctic Edge 20 at the Donnelly drop zone at Ft. Greely, AK, Feb. 29, 2020.

Arctic Edge 2020 is a North American Aerospace Defense Command & U.S. Northern Command exercise scheduled every two years. The exercise focuses on training, experimentation, techniques, tactics, and procedures development for Homeland Defense operations in an Arctic environment. Arctic Edge 20 provides opportunities to validate Arctic capabilities,


Video by Staff Sgt. Diana Cossaboom

4th Combat Camera Squadron

Visiting the USS Ford: May 2020


Actually, we are visiting the USS Ford virtually these days.

The US navy is starting a series which will highlight the ship and its features,

The first of the videos in this series was released on May 15, 2020.

As we build out our Kill Web and Deterrence series, we will examine how to rethink the role of the large deck carrier in the extended battlespace.

But for now, we would like to return to our first interview which focused on the USS Ford, which we did with the then head of N-98, Rear Admiral Moran.

In an April 30, 2013 interview with Rear Admiral Bill Moran, Director of Air Warfare (OPNAV N98), the approach of the US Navy in combining several naval air transitions with the introduction of the USS Ford was the focus of conversation.

In a recent co-authored article, the Admiral had looked at the GERALD R. FORD class carrier as a new naval platform.  In this conversation, the focus was on the evolving context and how the FORD class would fit with the fleet and the transition in the air wing aboard the carrier.

Rather than seeing the new carrier as the centerpiece of an island of concentrated force within which the carrier was the centerpiece, Moran emphasized that the FORD class could play this role, but its design and the evolving nature of the air wing and other capabilities will allow it to play a much more flexible or distributed role.

The Transition

SLD: When we visited San Diego a couple of years ago, the naval aviators we talked to were focused on the across the board transitions which were underway.  For example, Captain Whalen, now the Commander of the USS Carl Vinson underscored that the Navy was facing an across the board transition.

How do you view the transition?

Rear Admiral Moran: We are the midst of a significant transition in Naval aviation.  We are working it hard inside the building and in concert with the fleet and that is one reason why we’ve had our heads down and not as vocal as one might expect.

CF-2 Flight 158 with Mr. Dan Canin and CF-1 Flight 189 with LT Chris Tabert on 18 January 2013. First dual refueling of F-35C on KC-130 tanker. Credit Photo: Lockheed Martin

We largely took a procurement holiday with regard to naval air platforms in the mid 1990s.  When one is buying aircraft, typically you are looking at a 20-25 year service life.  If you are buying in peaks, you are then going to have valleys.

Because of the mid-1990s procurement holiday, we are now in the midst of replacing several legacy platforms across the fleet. 

We will be done with all our helicopter transitions by 2016.  We will be done with the F-18 Es, Fs and G’s along with the P-8 by the end of the decade.  We will be on a steady ramp on E2D because it is not a volume aircraft.  In effect, in the foreseeable future, we will only be buying the F-35C as our advanced aircraft system.   These are the aircraft that will make up the carrier airwing  for the next 20 plus years.

This means that in 20 years we will face a new build cycle to add replacement aircraft or air systems to replace current capability.

This means that the air wing that will go onto the Ford, for example, will provide a key foundation to shape an understanding of what comes next.

Shaping Innovation

SLD: Your focus on cycles of innovation can be misunderstood.  When you are talking about where you might wish to be in 2030, some might see this as an unhappiness with the trend lines which you are already have set in place.  Could you give us your thoughts on this challenge of presentation of future technologies with current evolutions?

The F-35 C is coming to Eglin this month. In this photo, CDR John Allison with the VFA-101 (Grim Reapers), one of the initial cadre of the F-35C pilots at VFA-101 is seen in front of a USMC F-35B. The B is in the Navy hanger for routine maintenance. The Navy is slated to get their first two production jets at Eglin by the end of the month. The photo is credited to Maj Karen Roganov, the 33rd Fighter Wing Public Affairs Officer.

Rear Admiral Moran: We are looking at a number of evolving technological developments and options to shape the naval air wing after next.  Unfortunately, some people misunderstand this approach and think we are looking at future technologies to displace what we are buying now, including the F-35 in the near term.  In fact it is just the opposite.

We are going to operationally shape our understanding of the evolving air wing, notably as the F-35 enters the fleet, and build from that to the air wing after next.

The CNO has highlighted the role of payloads in shaping the kinds of platforms we are buying and likely to develop and buy.

We think that in Naval aviation we are building out in that manner with the new GERALD R. FORD class of carriers (future platform) married with evolving air wing capabilities (payloads).

Another good example is the new P-8 Poseidon, which was design built from a commercial airframe.  We then put architecture in the airplane to  allow growth in terms of what capability will fit into that airplane in the future. This kind of “truck” and “payload” construct buys us time to evolve capability, whether it’s weapons or sensors or communications gear that are more easily integrated into the backbone of that airplane.

When we think of strike fighters for the carrier wing after next, shaping a combat truck in effect will play a role. It might be a truck that has a common architecture, a backbone to it that you can plug and play different capability sensors, weapons, comms, and that will drive design and it will drive propulsion.

It will also have the reach and reach back to operate in multiple environments.

And will have payloads on it that will enable future weapons that we see that are smarter, more precise, and will be a bit unpredictable for potential adversaries, whoever they might be.

The Coming of the F-35

SLD: You will also have the opportunity from the standpoint of 2030 to take advantage of understanding what the impact of the F-35 will be on the fleet.

Rear Admiral Moran: Absolutely.  That is a good point.

Joint strike fighter in my view is a revolutionary change to how we’re going to operate. 

And we will evolve joint strike fighter once we get it in our hands and we learn to operate with it, and we truly understand its full potential. Once we get it out there and we start operating, we’re going to find out that we’re going to want to evolve this capability.

And the F-35 may be its own successor.

Point being, we do not need to make a decision on the future as of yet, because much will depend on the operational experience we gain with the new air wing as well as a close look at the evolution of technologies, such as propulsion.

The mix of aircraft and capability is a key part of our discussion going forward in the future, especially on what the air wing after next might look like.

The Future of UAVs

SLD: There are frequent comments to the effect that it is the end of the manned aircraft era and we will see the dominance of the unmanned.  But one could note that UAVs really are simply data links in space and are extremely vulnerable in many ways.  But clearly robotics is a key part of the evolution of what will shape the future of what is on the carrier deck.

Rear Admiral Moran: They are called unmanned systems, but clearly they are not today.  There is significant support necessary to operate the systems, and the man in the loop is crucial to execute an effective mission.  Where you would like to go is to launch a system so it could operate autonomously within the rules of operation and engagement you have pre-set.

We clearly are not there yet.  What we get for now from so-called unmanned systems is persistence.  There is a clear value in the persistent capability for the ISR mission of UAVs.

Information security and control is crucial as well.

If I launch it, can I turn it back?  Can I prevent it from doing something when the information changes between the time I launch it and the time it arrives?

That’s the judgment piece, that’s the autonomous piece that is crucial to a commander. So I think the man in the loop, whether it’s the truck, the man in the truck that operates that capability, whether it’s the carrier or the airplane is still relevant for a long, long time.

The Coming of the USS Ford

SLD: You have been talking about the evolution of the air wing, but you clearly have in mind that the new large deck carrier will be part of the re-shaping of what that air wing can be used for.  Could you talk about your understanding of the Ford and its capabilities?

Rear Admiral Moran:  Because it’s an “electrified” platform — it’s no longer predominantly steam and hydraulics and all of the things that are traditional parts of the Nimitz class carriers — we’ve replaced a lot of that with electrical capability because of improved power generation coming out of a newly designed nuclear power plant.

It’s a generational leap in capability in terms of generated power.

FORD will generate three times the electrical power of a NIMITZ class carrier.  And with that you can electrify the ship and you can automate the ship, add the most powerful and advanced radar system in the Navy and then when you want to put things on the ship, new capabilities in the future that we can’t even think of today, whether it’s a hypersonic capability that’s unmanned, directed energy weapons or whatever it is, we do know is it’s got to be able to plug in.  It’s got to fit in somehow.  And, it’s going to need power.

With a ship that is in effect a 21st century infrastructure for 21st century systems, we will be able to do that. 

Whatever we invent, whatever we want to put on this truck in the future, it is going to be able to incorporate it in a way that the current configuration cannot.

A conceptual rendering of CVN-78. US Navy Illustration (# 060630-N-0000X-003) courtesy Northrop Grumman Newport News Shipbuilding now Huntington-Ingalls Shipyards.

We have also reduced the crew size and designed the ship for reduced maintenance, thereby reducing operational costs over its lifetime by four billion dollars.

The FORD Class, will introduce significant design improvements in flight deck sortie generation capability.  

It’s cleaned up significantly. We’ve developed in effect a pit crew concept where there’s enough room when an airplane lands that you can pull it off into the pit and reconfigure it, whether it’s sensors or weapons, and gas it, and put it right back out on the deck and launch it.

SLD: You are describing a carrier which can operate much more flexibly than a traditional carrier, and one which can become a central piece in a combat spider web, rather than operating at the center of a concentrated force.  Could you talk to the con-ops piece of this?

Rear Admiral Moran:  The Ford will be very flexible and can support force concentration or distribution. And it can operate as a flagship for a distributed force as well and tailored to the mission set.

When combined with the potential of the F35, FORD will be able to handle information and communications at a level much greater than the Nimitz class carriers. 

People will be able to share information across nations, and this is crucial.  We call it maritime domain awareness, but now you’ve included the air space that’s part of that maritime domain.

There is another aspect of the FORD, which is important to handling the information systems as part of the evolution of the fleet.  We’ve never really talked about the cooling aspects.  But if you go down to Newport News and take a tour of the FORD right now, one of the things they really like to brag about is innovations in the cooling system.  All of us know the processing power takes its heat.

And so, you’ve got to be able to cool it.  FORD more than doubles the cooling system capacity of a NIMTZ class carrier.

But let me close by circling back to the future of the airwing for the next 20 years and the value we see in the F-35C.

We are buying all production aircraft currently.  We see the coming of the FORD and the coming of the F-35 as highly synergistic for the fleet and its operation as a sea base.  And with the F-35C must come Block 3F capability, which has a fully enabled set to operate the weapons we use at sea, multi-ship integration and a host of other very important capabilities important to how we expect to operate in the future.  We are not going to accelerate the number of production airplanes until we get to Block 3F which will give us the capability that we need to operate off the carrier.

Once we marry up F35C with key capability investments in the Super Hornet, E2D, Growlers and a mix of unmanned capabilities, we will continue to have an airwing that can dominate in any environment.

For another version of this piece see Breaking Defense





Australian Government-Led Satcom Development

By Robert Nutbrown

Defence scientists are working with colleagues from industry and academia on a satellite communications (SATCOM) research venture that has the potential to significantly enhance military capability.

The project will explore ways of integrating both laser-based optical and radio frequency (RF) communications technologies in a single SATCOM user terminal.

Known as Project CHORUS, which stands for Compact Hybrid Optical-RF User Segment, this is Defence’s first collaborative project to be launched through the SmartSat Cooperative Research Centre (CRC).

Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of the SmartSat CRC, Andy Koronios, said the SmartSat CRC, in partnership with Defence, had established the project to develop world-leading Australian technologies that will improve the resilience of military satellite communications and potentially provide leapfrog technology for commercial markets.

“By combining optical and RF communications, satellite operators will have more options to provide high-availability, high-capacity and high-resilience satellite communications services without requiring additional access to scarce and expensive radio spectrum,” Professor Koronios said.

The research effort brings together experts from Defence Science and Technology (DST), industry partners EOS Space Systems and EM Solutions, Lyrebird Antenna Research and Shoal Group, and academic partners the Australian National University and the University of South Australia.

Gerald Bolding, Senior Research Scientist – Protected Satellite Communications within DST’s Cyber and Electronic Warfare Division, said the aim was to provide satellite operators with the best of both worlds, combining high data transfer rates and enhanced security promised by optical communications with the reliability of traditional RF communications.

“The end result will be the development of innovative technology options for integrating hybrid optical-RF SATCOM terminals into military aircraft, land vehicles and ships,” Dr Bolding said.

During the first phase of the research, the team will assess the viability of different design options and create a virtual representation, or ‘digital twin’, of the CHORUS concept to support the development of a demonstration terminal later in the project.

Funding for Phase 1 represents an investment by the SmartSat CRC and project participants of about $1 million over 12 months.

With total funding worth $245 million and involving more than 100 companies, start-ups and research organisations, the SmartSat CRC is Australia’s biggest space industry research-and-development collaboration. The research consortium formally opened for business in February.

Andrew Seedhouse, Chief of DST’s Intelligence, Surveillance and Space Division, said Defence was constantly looking for opportunities to collaborate with the brightest minds within Australian companies and universities to achieve better capability outcomes for the nation.

“Our involvement in the SmartSat CRC is a great example of this approach,” Mr Seedhouse said.

Defence will contribute $12 million in funding to the SmartSat CRC over seven years.

Published by the Australian Department of Defence on May 11, 2020.

Featured Photo: A Taipan satellite terminal. Photo: EM Solutions

Airlift Support to Italy During COVID-19

An 86th Airlift Wing C-130J Super Hercules out of Ramstein Air Base, Germany, is seen assisting the Italian government in transporting medical and other relief supplies between supply hubs in Milan and Rome, Italy, May 13, in response to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak.



Video by Senior Airman Kristof Rixmann

86th Airlift Wing/Public Affairs

Royal Australian Navy Sea Trials Aboard HMAS Adelaide for the Seahawk

HMAS Adelaide, Aircraft Maintenance and Flight Trials Unit (AMAFTU) and 816 Squadron conducted First Of Class Flight Trials for the MH-60 ‘Romeo’ helicopter off the coast of Queensland.

The trials determine the safe operating limits of the ‘Romeo’ helicopters on the Landing Helicopter Dock in a range of sea states and wind speeds both day and night.

Australian Department of Defence

May 5, 2020.

Maintenance Milestone for Australian C-130Js


By Captain Jarrad Baldwin

Over the past 17 years of C-130 Hercules operations in the Middle East, maintainers from No. 37 Squadron have worked hard to keep the workhorse in the air.

The maintainers of the Air Mobility Task Element (AMTE) C-130 Detachment have achieved their 50th rotation to the Middle East since the aircraft first deployed to the region in 2003.

Flight Sergeant Wayne Francis is currently the second-in-charge of the team, which works tirelessly to fix any issue that might arise.

“My team consists of 21 staff ranging from A Tech’s to AvTech’s, safety equipment and metal bashers,” Flight Sergeant Francis said.

“A typical day for us is working six to six, working two 12-hour shifts, 24 hours a day dictated by the maintenance required on the aircraft and the flying program.

“The sort of maintenance we carry out here is just generalised, unless something goes wrong, then it’s all hands on deck to fix it and hopefully not let our guys on the ground down.”

Flight Sergeant Francis joined Air Force in 1988, initially as a Transport Driver, before remustering as an Aircraft Technician in 1992.

“This deployment has been an amazing experience, I’ve been in the Air Force 32 years and this is the first opportunity I’ve had to be deployed. You spend so much time in your career training and organising your life around the job and I finally got the opportunity to do it,” he said.

“I’m extremely proud of my team, they just do an amazing job. If it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t be able to maintain an aircraft in theatre and bring all those diggers who need to move around back to the main operating base.

“After 17 years of contributing to the Middle East, it’s fairly well ingrained how we move people and equipment around the region, so it’s imperative that we stay here and do that to help our troops on the ground.”

Corporal Allan ‘Sid’ Reitfma is an Aviation Technician and has completed six deployments to the Middle East as part of No. 37 Squadron.

“My first deployment was in 2009,” Corporal Reitfma said.

“Looking back over this time, not much has changed, our work rate is just as busy. The aircraft and our job as maintainers is the same.

“Our job is simple; keep the aircraft flying so Defence personnel and cargo can move in and out of different operational theatres.

“The only major difference is the number of aircraft that has fluctuated over that time and until now based on operational needs and tempo.”

This article was published by the Australian Department of Defence on April 27, 2020.

Featured Photo: Leading Aircraftman Clement Mau works on the engine of the C-130J Hercules at Australia’s main operating base in the Middle East. Photo: Leading Seaman Craig Walton

Exercise Arctic Edge

U.S. Army soldiers assigned to Company B, 70th Brigade Engineer Battalion, participate in a ground attack exercise during U.S. Northern Command’s Exercise Arctic Edge 20 at Ft. Greely, AK, Feb. 26, 2020.

The U.S. military has the ability to rapidly deploy and operate in the Arctic and the U.S. Northern Command, supported by the Services, is fundamentally committed to the ability of the joint force to defend Arctic approaches and vital interests in the region.


Video by Staff Sgt. Diana Cossaboom

4th Combat Camera Squadron