The De Gaulle and the Libyan Operation

10/11/2011 During a recent visit to Paris, Second Line of Defense sat down with Vice Admiral (Retired) Richard Wilmot-Roussel, now the naval advisor to the head of Dassault Aviation.  The Vice Admiral has had a wide-ranging naval career, including being the first Commander of the French Aircraft carrier, the Charles…

Striking at Sunrise

10/07/2011: Striking at Sunrise [slidepress gallery='striking-at-sunrise'] Credit:Marine Corps Base Hawaii – Kaneohe Bay:09/08/2011 In photo 1, a blanket of green smoke sweeps by as an instructor watches infantrymen with Kilo Company, 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, provide fire suppression during a platoon attack at Range 410A on Marine Corps Air…

A Special Report on the National Security Cutter

09/23/2011 We have just posted a new special report for downloading.  This special report focuses on the USCG's National Security Cutter.  The report looks at the key role which this capability plays for the USCG and its missions.  The NSC is unique in providing for both defense and security missions which…

The Strategic Whiteboard

9/15/2011 by Robbin Laird The Second Line of Defense team is starting a series, which we will call the strategic whiteboard.  By leveraging the new systems being designed and built today, and building upon the capabilities of these new systems, America can have a better defense at less cost.  This…