US Marines Aboard the French Warship FNS Tonnerre

09/05/2011 A recent French Navy video highlights the USMC landing on a French BPC.  The French and the USN-USMC team demonstrated in the Libyan operations the value of flexible basing, using land and sea to project power.  This is a core lesson learned going forward. [caption id="attachment_23675" align="aligncenter" width="300"…

The F-35 Pilot

08/19/2011 We have interviewed several F-35 pilots.  Most recently, we sat down with pilots at Pax River.  Comments from these pilots focused on easy of operations, and the ability of the pilot to operate as a deployed decision-maker. Among the pilots we have interviewed, Lt. Col. Fred “Tinman” Schenk underscored…

Providing On-Location Support Services for the CRW

08/25/2011: A key element for mission success is an ability to support the deployment with key service support capabilities.  Airman Parry provided an introduction into the support services role and equipment. [slidepress gallery='crw'] Photo Credit: SLD 2011 Airman Parry: I hate acronyms, so I'm only going to try to give…

The Deployed Air Mobility Division Communications Element (DACE)

08/24/2011: During the SLD visit with the CRW, the C2 team explained their role and the equipment, which they use to execute their mission.  Master Sgt. James Gregg started the discussion with participation by Staff Sgt. Derek Carson, and Sgt. Brant. Sgt. Gregg: We are from the 21st Air Mobility…

The Material Handling Equipment for CRW Operations

08/22/2011: During the CRW visit, Second Line of Defense spoke with members of the CRW who operate the equipment for handling supplies and materials when forward deployed.  Airman Ruiz initiated the discussion. [slidepress gallery='the-material-handling-equipment-for-crw-operations'] Photo Credits: SLD 2011 Ruiz: Here are a couple of pieces of equipment that we use…

Motor Transport Mechanics Conducting Daily Tasks

08/10/2011: Motor transport mechanics with 3rd Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, work on damaged or broken down vehicles to keep the Marines out on the battlefield mobile. The 11 mechanics work day and night to keep more than 240 motorized vehicles running properly. By July 2011, they’ve been able to successfully…