Shaping a More Effective Deterrent Capability: NATO Modernizes Its Command Structure:

2017-11-11 At the recent NATO Defense Ministers meeting held on November 8, 2017 in Brussels, the Ministers decided to modernize the NATO command structure. As a story published on November 8, 2017 by Radio Free Europe noted: NATO defense ministers have endorsed a plan to establish two new military headquarters designed…

Evolving the Capabilities of the MAGTF: The Case Study of the F-35 and HIMARS

2017-11-01 By Robbin Laird The Marine Corps is being shaped for the transition from a slow motion ground war to higher intensity warfare. This reshaping is being driven by the new aviation assets, the introduction of broad range digital interoperability within the MAGTF and by evolving concepts of operations associated…

Putin Sets the Stage at the Valdai Conference: Driving Demand for Enhanced Missile Defense

2017-11-01 By Richard Weitz President Vladimir Putin made one of his most anti-American presentations at the Valdai Conference in Sochi since his February 2007 speech to the Munich Security Conference. His comments suggest the prospects for future Russian-U.S. arms control are bleak due to fundamental differences between Moscow and Washington.…

Putting the Niger Ambush Into Perspective

2017-11-06 by Murielle Delaporte The Niger Ambush puts the fight against Islamic terrorists into perspective. During an ambush, in early October in Niger, American and Nigerian soldiers encountered terrorist fighters who caused the deaths of nine of the counter-terrorist forces. It is also a reminder that fighting global terrorism requires…

Mattis Visits Finland: Highlights the Importance of Nordic Defense

2017-11-07 Second Line of Defense has underscored the importance of the evolving challenges as well as strategic responses of the Nordics to those challenges. Apparently, Secretary Mattis agrees. Yesterday, he visited Finland and highlighted their contribution to democracy and to the defense of the region. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis applauded…