A Double 7 for the A400M: French and UK Air Forces Ramp Up

2015-09-19  In June, the French Air Force received its 7th A400M. The aircraft delivered to France was the 13th production aircraft of 174 currently on order Then this month, the Royal Air Force received its 7th A400M. [caption id="attachment_80698" align="alignnone" width="300"] MSN 24, the 7th RAF A400M. Credit: Airbus Defence…

The Challenge for Independent Defense Journalism

2015/09/18 By Chris MacLean In a thought-provoking commentary in this edition of Front Line Defence, retired Major-General Doug Dempster talks about the importance of “quality” as an equal, if not the most important, piece of the defence procurement puzzle. His comments bring to mind the challenges faced by media publishers. Defence…

The Co-Directors of Plan Jericho: Group Captain Rob Chipman and Group Captain Jake Campbell Discuss the Way Ahead for the RAAF

2015-08-29 By Robbin Laird Prior to the Williams Foundation Workshop on Plan Jericho, I had a chance to sit down with the two co-directors of Plan Jericho in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) in their offices in the Ministry of Defence. The co-directors led the afternoon session of the…

A Discussion with the Australian Air Chief: Air Marshal Davies Discusses Iraq, Plan Jericho and the Way Ahead

2015-08-28  By Robbin Laird When then Air Vice Marshal Davies was in Washington DC earlier this year, I had a chance to discuss with him his thinking about the way ahead for the RAAF and defense transformation. Air Vice-Marshal Davies highlighted that a key trajectory for force transformation was to…

The Impact of New Platforms on the Way Ahead: Air Vice Marshal Warren McDonald Focuses on Shaping Air Force Transformation

2015-08-30 By Robbin Laird The Plan Jericho approach which the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) has put in motion to shape a con-ops driven transformation process is built around the acquisition of new platforms, but then crafting ways for these platforms to operate and together in a joint manner to…